Wanna discuss gun control?

Politically I generally align more with the left than the right with the notable exception of gun control. There are several reasons for this.
I have grown up with guns around and am at ease around them. I was introduced to guns at a very young age and have always enjoyed target shooting (plinking). I understand how they function and how to safely operate them, I have even built a couple of my guns.
I believe gun culture in America has gone far beyond simple self-defense or hunting with many sports evolving around firearms and millions of Americans enjoying them as a hobby. Building, upgrading and modifying your guns is quite satisfying and just because my AR looks cooler than yours doesn't mean it's more likely to hurt someone.
I look at gun control as largely a debate about freedom vs. security. In most instances, this one included, I tend to side with freedom over security. I am comfortable with the risk gun ownership entails.
This is just a start but I'd love to hear input from the community! How do you feel about guns? What are your views on gun control and why?

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