How to avoid costly legal fee's if you draw your gun

As many of you know, I carry my gun with me almost everywhere I go. I do this so that I can keep my loved ones safe if ever in a situation where our lives are put in danger. I am thankful I have never been in the situation that I have had to draw my firearm to protect myself or my loved ones. If I do though, I know there will be other unforeseen consequences. That is what I'm here to talk about today. how to avoid some of these consequences.

The unfortunate truth is, if you use a firearm to defend yourself or loved ones, you will likely be arrested — and endure an expensive and exhausting legal investigation. To avoid these costs, I suggest purchasing Self Defense Insurance. There are many companies out there that provide this service at a reasonable price. They typically offer more services than just the insurance. I personally use USCCA.


They offer a variety of education and training guides as well as a monthly magazine and access to all the previous magazines online for as llittle as $13.00 / month. To me this is a no brainer due to everything they cover.


  • No out of pocket coverage
  • Up to $1,150,000 in Insurance-Backed, Self-Defense SHIELD Protection
  • ALL Weapons Covered
  • Personal Hardship Coverage
  • Expert Witness Coordination
  • The USCCA Legal Advisory Board

To learn more about the details check out their page for more information.

Sorry if this seems like an advertisement, it sort of is, but I've ran across several of my fellow conceal carriers that didn't know about this important service and feel its very important everyone know about it. I definatly recommend checking out some of these options and companies that provide this type of service. It will save you money in the long run and is worth the small monthly amount you pay for it.

Check out some of my other posts on the topic guns and keeping children safe around guns.

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