March For Our Lives Double Speak, Anti-Gun Agenda Exposed | Targeting the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment is under coordinated attack. March For Our Lives hypocrisy and double speak exposed in the videos below.

The media using "protected" students (children) as tools of government propaganda is a Nazi authoritarian tactic effectively used by tyrants, being used right now on the American public. Pulling on the emotional strings of the mindless masses, the propaganda and indoctrination is working on too many Americans who seem to have good hearts. It's sad so many are blind to the lies being fed to them by these students and politicians. This is not just an attack on the Second Amendment. The First Amendment is also under coordinated attack as well. That is why this technique works so well - the faces pushing the propaganda are protected from attacks and criticism with anti-bullying censorship policies as has been seen in the recent YouTube Purge.

Welcome to the Parkland Psyop. Don't fall for the lies - Freedom is NOT the Enemy. Now playing on both D-tube and YouTube:

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