Gun Control FACTS!

I have seen nothing in terms of raw data, peer reviewed unbiased research, facts and evidence that would lead me to believe more firearms legislation would make our world safer, please feel free to comment below with any of those... Notice that list did not include useless catatgories such as your opinion, someone else's opinion, biased research that hasn't been peer reviewed, hypothetical arguments, and asserting that your safety is paramount to our constitution. I will share the same research I keep referencing that has been avoided completely and not even acknowledged by anyone who has been arguing for gun control or against guns being allowed in schools. These reports are raw data that is up for you to enterperet and they were compiled by the two must reputable and unbiased bodies of research known to man, the graduate institute of Geneva in Switzerland and the United Nations. When we compare these reports side by side we can see a clear and present correlation (with a definitive causation because of a lack of otherwise consistent variables) that's shows gun ownership drives down violence and crime (not only violent crimes but in fact ALL violence and ALL crime). We can also take a look at Australia which has been used many times to argue in favor of gun buy back programs but let's look at the numbers shall we? The buy back occured in 1995 and gun ownership both legal and illegal hit a definitive low point but legal gun owners as the most significant drop off, then for the next 5 years manslaughter, sexual assault, kidnapping, armed robbery, and unarmed robbery all increased significantly at which point illegal gun sales saw a strong researgence as it has been suggested that many Australians in the interest of self defense armed themselves all be it illegally, it is after this surge in illegal firearms that we finally see manslaughter, sexual assault, kidnapping, armed robbery, and unarmed robbery begin to subside. Our cities with the most strict gun laws have the highest rates of violence and crime by a large margin! We made schools gun free zones in 1990 and mass shootings in the US went up by 400% over the next 10 years. These are the facts which can be confirmed beyond any shadow of a doubt by the research provided below so I ask why will many of you refuse to acknowledge the facts and instead choose to cling to your irrational fear (irrational because you have zero evidence to support the legitimacy of your fear as the research I'm providing yet again proves but if you have absolutely any credible research to argue in favor of your fear you're welcome to share it and attempt to prove your point beyond your own opinion)?

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