why i think guns shouldnt be banned but controlled

Ok so I've just started looking on the internet and I've seen a lot of blogs about guns so here is what I think.

Guns shouldn't be banned just controlled

The main problems with guns are the people using them the guns themselves are just objects but the people who use them to kill are cruel and tainted with sin. The gun was invented to be used to protect the people not to kill others because someone has a mental problem or because they are "offended" . The physical gun itself wont shoot you the person pressing the trigger will though. You feel me?

How to fix it

Monitor the people who buy them check there record check if they have anger issues make Shure there not mental and make shure they have training people who are irresponsible with weapons shouldn't have them. Don't sell them to immigrants I'm not trying to be racist but they start a lot of crime and should need a permit to buy one and be an American citizen.

can it be fixed

yes this is an easy simple fix and it would help so much crime in the USA and anywhere actually.

thanks for reading this make shure you upvote and follow and have a nice day!!!

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