About "school shootings and "gun control/bans"

It's like this...Guns are tools... if many people don't have the tool... fact is you'll NEVER make it so that is the case across the board (once invented, you can't uninvent it)There will always be those who have it... THOSE PEOPLE are under no threat from an unarmed population and therefore have no need of the "tool" for defense... They have it so they may do evil with impunity meaning that those without it... Are at the mercy of people who are evil have evil intentions and the tools with which to carry them out. If EVERYONE had those tools across the board... SURE...Some... will be evil , with evil intentions and the tools to carry them out BUT... the others who aren't will at least NOT BE AT THEIR MERCY and have the tools with which to defend themselves. So.The notion that more guns in more peoples hands will lead to more gun violence and deaths ... Is simply untrue. They will have the means to stop it... and any others who might try to emulate it themselves... In a world filled with those willing to use deadly force to get what they want from others(and lets face it... that is the world as it has ALWAYS BEEN EVEN (BEFORE THE ADVENT OF FIREARMS) The best and only real deterrent is one of mutually assured destruction. You may not like that... but it is the law of nature... eat or be eaten... kill or be killed... A tiger does not go up against a loin... and the lion does not want to fight the tiger... Why... because they both realize the potential the other has to do them harm... If one of them becomes toothless however... that changes VERY QUICKLY.
Why do you think these shootings happen in schools and not at firing ranges huh? Because schools are filled with defenseless children and unarmed staff...and firing ranges are filled with guns and expert shooters. Had any of these "school shooters" tried to walk into a firing range and shoot at the people there rather than at paper targets ... They would be Swiss cheese b 4 they got more than a few rounds off... And they know that and so... go where the pickin's are easy... Since everyone in a firing range is armed... THEY are safe from this type of violence without actually having to shoot ANYONE... See how that works folks? ... simply being armed able and PREPARED to use those arms is enough of a deterrent. Take any of the three away... and you remove the deterrent. That's just the simple fact of the matter.


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