The correct type of gun control is something that we need

This was first posted by The Unfake Media at.

After this latest “shooting” in Parkland Florida there has been a huge resurgence of people screaming at the top of their lungs that we need to ban “assault rifles” and that we should all boycott the NRA.

In the USA we already have no gun rights but just better gun privileges than all the other countries that have completely surrendered their arms.

Second Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed. Is NOT something that exists at ALL in the USA.

All the government regulations, background checks and other unlawful gun “laws” should all be abolished and removed.

The gun control fanatics will be outraged that some would dare to call for the abolishing background checks, permits, licensing and all other forms of government restriction on gun ownership and transfer.

Nobody should be forced to show a government ID/slave privilege card if they want to purchase a firearm. No government background check should be enforced. Some gun rights people will claim that all law-abiding Americans have the right to own guns but if you are not “law” abiding then you cease to have rights. It would be reasonable if violent criminals were not sold guns by gun stores but in this age being a “law” abiding American is nothing more than being a slave that submits to his tyrant masters. In the USA to excise some amount of freedom you have to be breaking the unlawful immoral fake laws created by the mafia that claims to be serving the people.

If you step out of line and dare to purchase a gun or bear it without the government’s approval it will be very likely that armed criminals/police will storm your house hold you at gun point and force you to hand over the non government approved firearm and then be dragged off to the for profit jails or prisons to be brain-washed into why you must never disobey your slave masters or challenge the “LAW”.

Something that very ignorant people believe will help solve the gun problem is stopping mentally ill people from possessing firearms but if you understand the true reason behind the push for this sort of legislation then you will see that right around this New World Order they are normalizing mental illness and this all ties into the attack on people’s inalienable self-preservation gun rights.

A very large percentage of Americans suffer from mental illnesses and with these draconian gun control laws they are pushing it will make it hard for all of these people to buy guns. The other thing is that if they get these sort of mental illness gun laws in place they can deem anyone they want to be mentally ill since they hold beliefs that are “extreme” or opposed to the acceptable ideology of the establishment.

The other big gun-control tactic is to ban people who are on the no fly list from buying guns and this is pure insanity and flat-out evil. You can be put on the no fly list without even knowing it and without any good reason given at all. A good example of what kind of things they could put you on the no fly list for are found below.

Back in 2009 the Missouri State Police claimed that people who are opposed to the following are terrorists. Here is a link to an copy of this report that contained all this slanderous anti-American propaganda.

The New World Order – If you are not opposed to the NWO you are on the side of the real terrorists.

The United Nations – The UN is all part of the globalist NWO agenda.

Gun Control – All about disarming the people and making resistance impossible.

The violation of Posse Comitatus.

The Federal Reserve – One of the biggest scams ever pulled on the American people and the world.

The Income Tax – Legalized Extortion.

The Ammunition Accountability Act – Another attack on basic human rights to self-preservation.

A possible Constitutional Convention

The North American Union – More NWO globalism.

Universal Service Program.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

RFID is bad enough but they are upping the ante with trans-humanism and they will likely have brain chips available in 2030.

Abortion on demand – How dare you be opposed to the murdering of children?

Illegal Immigration. This is a complex issue; many people have been fooled into thinking that we need more regulation on immigration and that building a wall will be great for the USA but in reality they want you kept from leaving and are making it harder and harder to leave. Some people think that open borders will lead to globalism but in the NWO they will make it harder and harder to travel and it may seem like it is easier for the sheep with their Nazi papers to move from district to district but for people who are not government approved it will be very challenging to travel.

It is true that they are funneling tons of immigrants into western countries to destroy the culture and cover the plummeting birth rate but this is all part of the problem reaction solution formula.

We do not support open borders and feel that countries should have clear distinctions from one another but the government lock down of the border and the requirement to provide government documents is not freedom.

A huge demonization of the NRA by the fake media has been brought about by this latest “shooting” in Parkland Florida.

The NRA is not this evil monolith that the anti-gun lunatics claim but it is not truly committed to protecting the people’s Second Amendment rights and has and does support gun control. The NRA is just a controlled opposition group that is used to bring about the agenda to disarm the people of America.

If the government can own a weapon than you should also be able to with no limit whatsoever. If you want a tank, machine gun or an attack helicopter than so be it.

In fact the type of gun control that we truly need is a restriction on what types of guns, the police and the government should be able to possess since they are the number one threat to Americans.

Some very idiotic people will claim that we get or rights from the Constitution but this is nothing but a lie. People have inalienable rights that are natural and once more people come to understand this we will have more people who will put their foots down and say enough is enough and we will not put up with all this none sense that we can’t exercise our right to self-preservation.

The deceivers will make up all sorts of things like; why would anybody need an AR15 it is just meant to kill so nobody should have one since it is too powerful for everyday people! If anybody tells you that the Second Amendment is about hunting or any other thing like that you can conclude that they are ignorant or they are lying.

The Second Amendment is and has always been about people having a way to defend themselves from an out of control tyrannical government. Some so-called pro gun people will say that we need the Second Amendment and all just in case the government gets out of line and starts attacking freedom but the real truth is that this is not something that might happen in the future but has happened a long time ago! The USA government is the real terrorist threat to all humanity and has lost all legitimacy since it is ALL a fraud.

The legal system in the USA is a 100% scam fraud. The police and military are not defending freedom, serving the people or stopping the bad guys they are the bad guys! They are the order followers that have become the number one psychopathic thug terrorist organized crime mafia.

Here are links to some posts we made about the police and military.

The public education is system is one the most evil diabolical weapons used by the controllers to program more cattle that are so dumbed down that they believe all the fake news they see on the TV and eat all the crap poison.

Here is a link to an article we did about the public fool system.

Your presidents are not elected but selected and voting is a huge fraud.

Link here to a post we did about the whole fraud of voting.

Another buzzword that is thrown around by the anti-gun actors is “common sense” gun control.

There is no common sense in disarming all the good people and letting the criminals to have all the guns. The foremost criminal is the police enforcers that terrorize and harass people for profit. The second criminal is the thief, gang member and murderer that does not care about any guns laws or gun free zones and will kill without giving a care in the world what laws are on the books.

Trump and other controlled opposition NWO agents will tell you that the solution to these school shootings is to have armed guards or let teachers carry guns. Gun free zones should be banned and teachers should be able to carry guns but having armed guards is no a solution at all since we have lots of heavily armed police that don’t do shit and in a lot of cases make things worse. A good example of this is when people where being held hostage in a church the hero that came in and stopped the criminal and took his gun away and the police came in a started shooting at the person that saved the day! Here is a link the story about this event.

They are making the schools into prisons where they are installing all sorts of high-tech security systems, bullet proof shelters and all mater of other ridiculous expensive security measures.

The truth is that the real solution to end school shootings and violence in schools is to completely abolish the public education system. We need to ban ALL public schools NOW! This country is being destroyed by the public education system; feeding the children with lies, brain-washing them into being obedient slaves, programming them into the LGBT agenda insanity, terrorizing them with ridiculous shooting drills and poising them with garbage food, vaccines and radiating them to death.

The reason that the masses are brain-dead drooling retards is that they are taken right off to the institutions and not raised by the parents but by the government, the media and their peers.

Compulsory education is such a sick perversion in the way that kids are kidnapped in much of the world if the parents try to home school their child because they see what is being done to the kids at the public schools and do not want their children abused and indoctrinated. Some liberals have such twisted logic in that they feel parents do not have the right to educate their children and decide what they learn but that they have the right to murder them via abortion!

West Virginia had a bill back in 2017 that would have made homeschooling illegal and giving CPS aka Child Pedophile Services the go ahead to take kids away from parents if their children failed to attend school! Thankfully this abomination of a bill did not go though but in some states they are making is very challenging to home school.

The bastard behind that bill or anyone that brings something similar forward should be punished very severely for proposing such and evil thing. Here is a link to that bill.

In Ontario Canada the maniacs there have actually made it so that the state can seize children if the parents don’t agree with letting their kids be transgender! They actually say that not letting kids reject reality and embrace the insanity that they are not the gender they are born with is child abuse.

So the way it goes is that the monsters at the public school teach the kids that they can change their gender like they change their shirt and if the patents don’t agree with the bullshit than they take the kids away!

Here is a link to that insane bill!

If someone raises their kids gender neutral than that is freaking child abuse and if they don’t stop that it seems perfectly fine for a concerned neighbor to remove that child from it’s home until that parent realizes that doing shit like that can damage kids for life!

All this bullshit propaganda with sexual orientation is simply explained in two categories mentality ill and non mentality ill.

I still can not believe how people think it is good to have the government involved in education when they can clearly see that the public education system is awful. A lot of these people who support public education are just so lazy and self-centered that they don’t want to properly educate their children and train them up in the way that they should go.

Some people will also claim that they do not have the financial means to home school their children but when you truly look into the situation you will see that they are just not willing to make the necessary sacrifices, and care more about amassing more things than the very lives of their children. We understand that some people really can not support themselves and educate their children at the same time but in that case they should look into online school or finding some local group of parents that can educate their children together. We can say that online school is not ideal but it is a step in the right direction away from the public schools. If you choose an online school system you should look over it very carefully since much of what you find these days on the internet is filled with propaganda and filth.

If you have the money than private school is something else to look into instead of public school but the truth is that nothing beats homeschooling in regards to protecting your children from this hideous NWO and giving them a quality education.

I have had some association with a Montessori school and will say that the one I have seen is a heck of a lot better than the public schools. This Montessori school that I know of has lots of good things going for it since it is farm school where the students learn real skills like growing and harvesting vegetables, caring for animals, nature skills and every year they have been having a craft sale where the kids make all sorts of things like cutting boards, maple syrup, lip balm and they also have made wholesome food that they sell.

I am so thankful that I was not sent off to the public school and will say that it is one of the chief reasons that I am aware of what is really going on.

Going on this long tangent about public education might not make sense when this article is about gun control but the fact is that it just shows how the government is so out of control and that our right to bear arms and not submit to the insanity is more important than ever!

Do not give up your right to bear arms and do not give up your right to teach your kids and educate them in the way that you see fit.

We need gun control! and it is the people standing up and saying why do the police need tanks, fully automatic guns, and other military weapons? They sure are not using them to protect Americans or remove the criminal politicians that are traitors to the Constitution and enemies of freedom. They are using these weapons to murder innocent civilians and kill anyone that dares to resist and assert their right to not be molested, terrorized and extorted from.

The government officials and politicians calling for the disarming of Americans need to show the example and give up their guns and then maybe people will be willing to give up theirs since they will not have the constant threat of armed criminals/police destroying their lives.

You might be wondering why we put air quotes around “shooting” at the start of this article and that is since the truth is that almost all of these shootings that go viral are nothing more than manufactured events that are either false flag events where a government agent shoots up the venue or they Mk-ultra somebody into shooting up the place. Or hoaxes were nobody dies and nobody gets hurt and they just have a bunch of actors and theatrics to convince the masses that poor school children are getting killed and that we need to make it harder for non criminals to get guns. The government gives the guns to the criminals that pretend they are enforcing the law and serving the people.

Something you need to understand that your media is all fake and that also much of the alternative media is just as fake. You will only find real media in small independent outlets that don’t push the fake left right paradigm and all the fake conspiracies used to discredit the real conspiracy facts.

Here is a link to an article we did about the fake alternative media.

When you stand up and speak the truth about this corrupt government you will be labeled an anti-government extremist but the fact is that if you ARE not anti-government you are a terrorist sympathizer.

Throw away your TV stop trusting the corporate media and never trust the government since they are all a bunch of lying criminals.

We need more freedom loving people who have more guns, and we need the criminal enforcers to be disarmed and held accountable for their evil actions.

People need to be very careful when associating with any of the anti-government militias since they are likely to be filled with government plants if not being totally government controlled opposition.

The government is spying on everybody, and the police are being brain-washed into being more violent and tracking and seeing anybody that the feel to be a threat to their criminal operation.

One thing that most states still allow is homeschooling and that is one of the best legal ways to resist these criminals. Do not send you kids off to be brainwashed, poisoned and terrorized by the public school system that is one of the main causes of the brain-dead order following of the masses.

Initiating violence is never the best, but people who value their own livelihood and freedom will only put up with so much until they snap; and say enough is enough and I will no longer put up with being abused and extorted from. Peaceful resistance is something that everyone should participate in. They will hold a gun to your head and force you to submit to their tyranny so if you can flee before it comes to that point than do so.

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2018

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