No More 'Gun Free Zones!'


So, you have probably heard by now that Nicolas Cruz has been arrested after opening fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, north of Miami, on Ash Wednesday. Everything you need to know, other than tons of locals including students there who saw this coming miles away, is here:

My purpose in this blog is to discuss 'Gun Free Zones.' I see those signs everywhere: public library, post office, local grocery stores, local schools, local gyms...EVERYWHERE. You've see the gun sign with the 'no' symbol over it with a short explanation that you are not permitted to conceal your firearm inside. I have just one question for those who support this nonsense - what good is that sign going to do to dissuade a maniac from saying to hell with it and going in anyway to shoot up the place? Does that sign not in fact assure them that they will meet with little to no resistance whatsoever? Okay, two questions.

Seriously though, how in the hell is that going to work? You know, as opposed to letting anyone and everyone carry? You don't think that if these nuts knew that anyone could be carrying a weapon that they may reconsider? Voltaire said, "Common sense is not so common," but little did he know how uncommon it would become in a relatively advanced society in the year 2018.

If someone is committed to MURDERING other people, then that sign is no deterrent. Like I said, it could be an ENCOURAGEMENT! This is insanity. Now, lets talk about insanity for a moment. Is it really the inanimate object's fault here, or the kook who is using it to harm others? This brings me back to an earlier point, which is that seemingly a great many people saw this coming from this nutter. Why was nothing done? The link above shows the posts this guy made on Facebook and other social media sites. Apparently he was involved with certain groups as well...wink, wink.

Honestly, what are we doing here in this country? Why are we allowing this to happen? Why aren't we more proactive in rounding these pricks up? Is it political correctness? We don't want to be seen as racist, homophobic, or Islamophobic? How many innocent Americans have to die before we cut out this nonsensical crap?! Someone please tell me!

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