The neck IS the guitar!

At the risk of sounding elitist, I have to say I've reached this conclusion quite solidly. I mean, I can't be the only one out there that sees a beautiful instrument, picks it up, and gets disappointed within a minute.

High end sheet right hiya!

I'm sure someone can point out bizarre guitar experiments like the one Justin Johnson is playing and refute me, but in expectation of such retort, he's my cover picture.

The truth is, there is something about well played instruments that a guitar player is drawn to... It's not all bs, and you know what it might be...

Yeah... you guessed it... the neck!

It's the interface, it's how you connect to it, and thus a well played instrument has been worn into submission, molded by wear and tear to fit the human shape.

So.. if there's any advice to be given, if I have any at all...

Cheers my friends...

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