Nutube, the revolutionary Korg valve technology in the new VOX gear. NAMM 2018

Hello friends,

Today is the turn of the new VOX amplifiers presented at the NAMM 2018 fair. The legendary brand never ceases to revolutionize the world of the guitar, as when surprised with the famous AC15 60 years ago.

Revolutionary valves? Yes. And they are called Nutube.

As many of you know, valvular technology is practically obsolete. It was replaced first by the transistors, then by the most modern integrated chips. But valves are still a precious commodity for lovers of hi-fi audio equipment (and high prices) and for guitarists because of the quality of their sound.

They are delicate components, they need a lot of energy to work and they have a limited life but, still, they are still valid in these markets.

But it seems that at the end modern technology is at the level of sound demands.

The famous Japanese brand Korg together with Noritake Itron discovered that certain components similar to digital numbers behave similarly to valves. After developing the idea they presented a new valve called Nutube a couple of years ago.

Nutube All advantages.

- 30.000 hours of life in use.

- 30% of the size of a traditional valve.

- Only 2% of energy consumption.

- Same sound and "feeling" as a traditional valve.

The first team presented with this technology was the reissue of the famous organ VOX Continental.

Vox already has the MV50 mini amplifier series, equipped with Nutube, delivering 50w of power ... And weighing only 600g!

This year Vox has presented the MVX150 amplifier which has Nutube valves not only in the previous but also in the power stage.

Nutube. The future.

Recently Korg has licensed the Nutube to third brands (in addition to VOX, of course), as is the case of Ibanez who have relaunched their famous Tube Screamer pedal incorporating a Nutube valve. Fantastic!

It is to be hoped that this is not the only license and in the near future more manufacturers can provide that sought-after valve heat by adding the Nutube to their designs.

Friends, has anyone of you already tried this technology? What is your opinion? Does anyone have videos with the MV50?

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