Guide: How to Create Viral Pins - How to Boost Traffic and Sales

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what is a Viral Pin

These are the pins which generate impressive engagement from Pinterest users through repeated impressions, saves and clicks. Here is the guide about how to create viral pins and how to boost traffic and sales.

There are over 250 million active users on Pinterest each month with over 175 million existing pins. If you want to stand out amongst 175 million pins, you’ll need an effective and unique formula.

Understand Pinterest

To understand how to go viral you first need to understand Pinterest. It’s very different from other social media because it’s a visual search engine and not a form of social media.

You need to create boards and a profile rich in keywords and SEO optimized content. The exciting feature with Pinterest is the endless potential for generating leads and sales from every single pin.

Perfect Sized Pins:

The first step in creating Viral Pins is to get the size and layout of your design right. Pinterest sets out ground rules for the size of all their pins.
Best size - 1000x1500 pixels -

Studies have shown the following features all impact how much engagement you receive on your pins:

Lighter images get 20x more repins than dark images
Reddish, orange and yellow images get 2x more repins than blue colors
Using High-quality images helps grab people’s attention
Font – avoid script fonts as they’re difficult to read when scrolling

Now you have the perfect size dimensions for your pins, you can create them in a site like Canva. Canva is a social media image creator, which is free to use so it’s the perfect place to design your pins.

  1. Impressive Images for Viral Pins

Pinterest is a visual search engine, the images you use influence the level of leads and sales you receive. Viral pins go nuts on Pinterest because people are attracted by high colors, color contrasts, and your font.

So to maximize engagement, look for high-quality images which support the niche and message of your pin.

If you are looking for free images for your pins, you can find plenty of them on these sites:


If would like to find more exclusive images you can find some great paid images in:

Deposit Photos

Tips - Use contrasting colors in your image and text to help your title really stand out. (Additionally, nearly 80% of Pinterest users currently are women so factor this in when choosing your images)
Add your logo or website URL onto every pin to explode your branding
Remember a high percentage of Pinterest users are on mobile devices so optimize all your images

  1. Create Titles Rich in Keywords

Titles - it’s time to create the title that magnetically draws attention, attract many people and clicks. Effective tips for your titles.

Offering a Solution for a Problem
Teaching your visitors something new
Displaying something your visitors want to have
Stirring an emotion
Start your title by writing out some keywords and then surrounding it with power words.

  1. Keywords for Your Titles and Descriptions

How do you find the best keywords to use. Pinterest makes the job of finding keywords extremely simple. All you need to do is enter a couple of words from your title into the search bar.

Pinterest offers a range of keywords directly underneath your search. As you write your Pin description, bear in mind that few people actually read them.
Pin description is a technique to assist Pinterest in understanding the content of your pin.

Here’s a handy template of what to include:

What’s your post/product all about?
Who is it ideal for? (Mums, couples, children, travelers)
What’s the problem this post/product solves?
Is there an opt-in offer or freebie?
Following this format gives you ample opportunity to share details about your content rich with keywords.

  1. Hashtags in Pinterest

Now in 2019, hashtags are acceptable again in Pinterest. Placing your hashtags after the description bolsters your Pin SEO, so they’re a super idea! Just be wary not to use any more than 5-6 of them.

As soon as you type the hashtag symbol #, then begin writing your tag, Pinterest auto-suggests words along with showing the popularity of the tags.

This is a fantastic way of finding the best hashtags to use on your pins.

When selecting your hashtags, it’s important to understand that:

Hashtags should be used to group similar content material together as it boosts your search success in Pinterest
The tags you choose are really to help Pinterest understand what your pin is about
As you decide upon your tags, look for ways of introducing different terminology to broaden your exposure to a wider audience.

Make sure you get the best hashtags for each of your pins and boost your search success.

  1. Posting Plan to Go Viral

So where should you pin it to go viral?

Group boards used to be an easy answer. They’re still helpful but only if the content is niche specific and well optimized.

Unfortunately, many of the boards nowadays have thousands of pins and the content isn’t always specific to the niche or the links are broken.

So what’s the solution?

Well, you need to find groups of people who are committed to sharing their own and others’ content on Pinterest.
The best place for that right now is in Tailwind Tribes!

For those who may not know, Tailwind Tribes are groups of Pinterest users who help each other grow their reach and traffic.

The best news of all is Tailwind Tribes can be used for FREE! To make sure you’re getting the maximum benefit from your tribes you need to pin and share content regularly.

The more you share other people’s pins, the more of yours will be pinned so it’s a great way to boost your chances of going viral.

Now you know the tips and the secrets on how to create viral pins. Take action now and start pinning!

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