UJ Easiest Steemit Contest #3

We went from 14 contestants down to only 9, but we can go again. So everyone that played last time try to get at least 1 person to play, then they can try to get 1 person to play the week after that. Soon we should have like 1000 people and someone will be winning with the exact number by then.


Rules: Guess the number that I made up, between 1 and 1,000. Top 3 closest win. In case of a 2- way tie, the 1st and 2nd prize will be split. In case of a 3 or more tie, all 3 prizes will be split among the winners. Only 1 guess per person, please. You must upvote this post and re-steem this post. Just post your answer in the comments along with your upvote and don't forget to re-steem also. I do have a picture of me with the number that I will post when I announce the winners.

1st - 100% upvote your latest post on your blog, 40% of the SBD I get from this post.
2nd - 90% upvote your latest post on your blog, 20% of the SBD I get from this post.
3rd - 80% upvote your latest post on your blog, 10% of the SBD I get from this post.
NOTE: If you hit the number exactly, I will add 10% to the SBD.

You do need to re-steem along with upvoting the contest post.

Since I am now including the Proof of Payment and the Results posts from the previous contest in with the prize of the current contest, it would benefit us all if you would upvote and re-steem those posts also.

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