Guantanamo Bay Torture Camp -- But you thought it was closed?

Well well well, another day, another year, and Guantanamo Bay torture camp turns 18. Time goes by so quickly when you're growing up huh. Heck, it's old enough to vote now and whaddya know, there are plenty of people in both parties who love it and want it to be with us forever.

Oh? You thought it was closed because Obama spent 8 years promising to shut it down?

Perhaps you thought it was closed because nobody even talks about it anymore. This, despite the fact that dozens of people who've never been charged with a crime are going to be there the rest of their lives being tortured for nothing?

You thought it was closed because if it weren't, every American who complained about the "lack of due process" for Trump and Kavanaugh would choke on those words and expire?

You thought it was closed because you thought that story about them adding elderly "care" facilities for the ageing victim base was a macabre Onion article and not an actual thing your government would actually do to humans?

You thought it was closed because if it weren't, every Democratic presidential contender would be confronted with it every day and forced to explain, in detail, how they plan to close it, or else no one would even think of voting for them in 2020?

You thought it was closed because if it weren't, sociopaths like Gina Haspel wouldn't have kept being promoted all throughout multiple administrations across both parties?

Well I have some bad news..

I can't tell you how much I fucking hate having to discern the difference between being a 99 on the "evil murdering sociopath scale" and being a 97 on the "evil murdering sociopath scale," as if there is some universe of difference between those tiny slivers of degrees in the big scheme of things.

The incessant, pathological need to be just every so itsy bitsy slightly less evil than "the other team" is one of the most repulsive, destructive impulses that this sick and morally bankrupt society has to offer and it drives me nuts.

If your reaction to Obama's atrocities is "well, durr, Bush did something worse", then you're part of the problem.

Nobody was defending Bush. Nobody was equating Obama and Bush.

You just had a pathological need to stick that in there because your obscene tribal allegiance can't let you allow one of your heroes to receive even the slightest criticism without immediately screeching "BUT BUSH IS WORSE!"

This is a disease.

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