Benefits of the Soursop.

Benefits of the Soursop.
Prevents osteoporosis: it is a rich natural source of phosphorus and calcium, which are essential for the health of bones and teeth. It is a potent anticancer: it has antioxidants that act to prevent different types of cancer, such as: colon, breast, lung, prostate and pancreas.
Soursop - also known as anona or graviola - is a tropical fruit rich in vitamins (C, B1 and B2) and minerals (magnesium, potassium, copper and iron) that strengthen our body.
Prevents cancer
It is proven that guanabana juice helps fight against cancer and any other type of malignant tumor.
It is one of the few natural remedies that have been effective in preventing all types of cancer - especially breast, colon, prostate and lungs.
Protect your organs and delay aging
Soursop helps prevent nerve damage and maintain a healthy heart.
Thanks to its high content of vitamin B1 it is able to accelerate the metabolism, so it ensures an adequate circulation and blood pressure.
In addition, your contribution of vitamin B2 is necessary for the production of energy of the body, the function of the nervous system and the maintenance of the heart.
Its large amounts of vitamin C make it an excellent antioxidant. Thus, it helps to increase the resistance of the body and delays the aging processpropiedades-guanabana.jpgGuanabana...jpg

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