The Importance of Aggression in Men's Lives

As you look out at Western Society, you see some interesting occurrences developing. Now these occurrences could be blamed on different reasons and excuses. From single-family households to a lack of authority over all. One of the bigger problems that we are seeing these days is how today’s young men are becoming more aggressive. They are less likely to have an argument and more likely to at best punch you in the face or worse shoot ya.

From the knockout game and people being shoved onto Subway tracks in New York City. You see young men, and grown boys, both committing crimes on levels that have not been seen in this country before.

Look at these young men who believe that their protesting is actually going to have any impact at the national colleges. The protests are supposed to be peaceful yet destruction abounds.

When you look at older generations, you see complaints and discontent, but the level of violence doesn’t normally rise to what it is these days. The difference between the man of old and the man of now is how much aggression men saw in their lives. You go back to the old West, men saw some form of violence on a regular basis. It wasn’t always Man to Man type of violence. It was man against nature, type of violence. Men these days are too busy working in offices and just gentle runs that they are not tapping into the aggression. Men need aggression in their lives. Here is why.

Why Do Men Need Aggression?

If you talk to folks in today’s colleges, you would think that was one of the most horrendous opinions ever given that men have a need to be aggressive. Yes, men need to be aggressive at times. We have failed to teach our kids about aggression and apply aggression when aggression should be applied.

Most children today don’t know the proper way to handle an actual bully. The kids of the 80s and 90s knew that the best way to deal with a bully was to bloody their nose.

If you look back at the Wild West days, there was a time when boxing promotors tried to bring boxing out west. It didn’t take off like the boxing promoters had hoped. I believe it was because the men in the West had plenty of aggression and violence in their lives already. Unlike on the East Coast, where civilization had a better handhold, men didn’t experience aggression and violence nearly as much as the men and women in the West had.

You look at ancient Rome and the more civilized they became the more peaceful they were the more the citizens of Rome attended the violent gladiatorial competitions in the Colosseum.

Even today men turn to sports for entertainment. There is a reason why young men like violent video games. It isn’t so that they become more violent, but they’re trying to scratch the edge for aggression and their system.


We men have testosterone coursing through our veins. That testosterone, allows us to be stronger with bigger muscles. We are more athletic. We are more competitive thanks to the effect of testosterone.

Testosterone also allows us to be more active. We can go for long periods with little to no rest. We are the protectors of our family. we have deeper voices all because of this endocrine hormone that we have in our bodies.

Because we have this testosterone that makes us stronger and faster we have lots more energy that we have to burn off. When we don’t have a cause when we don’t have something to focus our energies on this masculine energy thanks to testosterone can lead us astray.

Because of testosterone and the excess energy that we have men need aggression in their lives. We need aggressive, sports, and aggressive competition. Without it, we have troubles with the man, and society of men aren’t exposed to aggression.

When young men don’t have a direction, they start looking for problems. The need to answer the call is ingrained in all men. Many men answer the call by joining the military. while others, answer it as troublemakers in society. You saw a lot of these directed men show up as antifa Thinking that they were fighting fascism when all reality they were fighting for fascism.

Men without a purpose, see everything as a problem. They see everything as a threat. They are the hammer any perceived threat is a nail.

Look at the story of the juvenile delinquents in the animal world. As it means to help propagate the elephant species in Africa, all the senior bull elephants were taken out of her and distributed to other herds that needed them. The problem was that after they got rid of those, senior elephants and juvenile elephants started indiscriminately killing rhinoceros. They weren’t focused they didn’t have seniority showing them how to be focused. The grownups of the heard weren't around to direct the youth on how to effectively use their talents.

How does aggression help you relax?

Now aggression isn’t always as horrible and terrible as it sounds. Aggression also applies to how you exercise. Anytime there is physical exertion. You can get aggressive. Look at when someone is trying to mow the lawn. For whatever reason the mower doesn’t start. The guy will have the tendency to get aggressive with the mower. There is effort in getting that lawnmower started but is Lawn Mowing an aggressive act? It can be if you lose your cool.

We will get mad and aggravated with an object. There is force and effort in kicking, the ottoman in the middle of the night and we will get aggressive with it if we are not careful. When we have controlled violence in our lives, we expel the excess energy that we have built up. We are actually less likely to be violent when we do other activities in an aggressive manner. We get that aggression out of our system. When we let aggression build up, you have instances of riot appearing for relatively little explanation. Take antifa as an example, You have a group of young men who have stepped into a perceived cause and get aggressive with someone with a differing view appears before them. These guys have been told that violence is not the answer and that they shouldn’t act in aggressive ways. Then doing so they become even more aggressive. These again have been shown throughout history to be the case of the Hitler Youth of the 1940s German youth or The Red Guard of the cultural revolution in China. They found a cause that allowed them to tap into their aggression and they went whole ham on it.

When it comes to men’s lives, we need that controlled violence. The aggression of exertion allows us to expel more energy in our lives. Whether that is Brazilian jiu-jitsu or some other martial art where our energy is pitted against the energy of another man or we’re doing solo exercises where we are aggressively running bleachers. Men have aggression in our lives and that controlled violence of aggressively, throwing large stones in our yard, allows us to expel the excess energy in our bodies. Which intern allows us to relax at the end of the day. This is why we feel better after a strenuous exercise.

How does one use controlled Aggression?

They’ve been ways mentioned in this article. But you can get more specific on having controlled violence in your life, working in aggressive manners, without having to actually punch anybody in the face.

Martial arts are perfect for this. You are pitted against another man. Y’all will both match each other’s intensity. You will have strategic thoughts on how to overcome your current adversary. Will it work? It may. You won’t know until you apply the proper level of aggression to the equation. Many times you may even wind up being humble because you let your thoughts get in the way and the other person was able to outperform.

Another exercise that you can do that will expel extra aggression is when you’re exercising do it just a little more aggressively than you normally would. Now this may garner some stairs if you’re in a gym. Yet you can utilize the Stairmaster and take steps in a more aggressive manner than just taking the steps. You don’t have to yell at the top of your lungs as you’re working the rowing machine, but you can row aggressively.

If you’re not a part of a gym and you still want to leave yourself of aggression. You can find heavy stones or a heavy lock or you can get some tires and you can throw them in your backyard if it’s big enough or you can find an empty field Where you can throw a rock or a log. How you exercise is completely up to you and you can always add the element of aggression to it. That way you burn off some of the extra energy your muscles get a little bit more tired because you chose to run bleachers, in a more angry manner, you can walk like you’re pissed off at the world. And in doing so you burn just a few extra calories working the aggression off allows more peace in your life. No matter how you choose to approach it. THe aggression you expel will help you remain at peace..

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