Steem Video Ad #3 Live in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia!

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All author upvote rewards from this post will go to ads for Steem in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia because we are ready now to advertise Steem video ad #3 in these countries where the cost is higher! To help reduce the cost, I wait to place ads in the most expensive countries until the ad has good social proof which our ad below now does!

steem video ad 3 launches in us, uk, canada, and au.jpg

Thank you for funding Steem video ad #3 on the following posts!

  1. resulting in $217.11 author rewards.
  2. potential payout $188.07.
  3. potential payout $437.72
  4. All author rewards from this post!

Total budget so far for Steem video ad #3!

  • ~ $842.90 minus curator rewards.
  • ~ 376.30 spent
  • ~ 4 days remaining with the budget at ~ $100 a day which is reaching about 100,000 people every day.
  • The rewards from this post will extend the budget!

How much have we spent so far?

steem video ad 3 live in usa plus results.jpg

$309.13 on Facebook with the budget at around $95 a day on Facebook.

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$67.17 on YouTube with the budget at about $10 a day in Google AdWords for video.

Review Steem video ads #1 and #2 in these posts to see how we are getting these results!

  1. Video ad #1 reaches over 2 million people already interested in cryptocurrencies with the good news about Steem at The price makes the biggest jump it has in a year just days after the ad comes out ...
  2. Almost a million people reached for $1,161.14 in ad spend focusing on getting those using WordPress to join Steem at

Where are we going with this?

We are working up to a growth-project following the crowdfunded marketing protocol guidelines at Every upvote on all these video ad posts will provide clear proof of strong community support which hopefully will motivate funding of a growth-project that will directly provide the Steem without doing it this way. Until then we can easily keep raising money for the advertising budget this way!

Growth Proposal

  1. Metrics: In this post we have reviewed the metrics for the existing campaign and previous campaigns above. In summary, thousands of us have upvoted about $5,000 total for the Facebook and YouTube ads campaigns already with nearly universal positive feedback along with suggestions to increase the effectiveness of the ads even more on larger scale campaigns funded by Steemit.
  2. Summary: How many ads have we seen for our favorite products like the iPhone or the car we drive or the food we eat? Advertising works so well that spending on advertising worldwide is expected reach to 550 BILLION USD in 2017 according to That is nearly 8 times the entire cryptocurrency market capitalization.
  3. Problem: Steemit currently is not doing any advertising at least that the majority of us are aware of. Without any advertising, we are unlikely to hit the critical mass needed to ensure our top position which currently could easily be replaced by an Ethereum powered social network that makes an exact copy of Steem.
  4. Solution: With advertising, we can guarantee that we hold the top position for a cryptocurrency powered social network which in time seems certain to consume all the existing social media websites. The ad campaigns we have already worked together to fund here provide clear proof that our ads for Steem are working to greatly increase awareness (branding) and attract many new users to sign up (conversion).
  5. Desired Outcome: With $5,000 so far resulting in millions of people learning about Steem for the first time and thousands signing up immediately after seeing the ads, we are ready to share the message with tens of millions of people and bring in tens of thousands of new user signups every month from ads. We expect our advertising to multiply with all of our existing efforts to promote Steem and to help us become the first digital currency with mass adoption. Bitcoin currently is not even close with most people in my life having never done anything with Bitcoin or seeing any reason to use it. Steem has a clear reason to start and if we go straight for mass adoption the majority of users in the world over the next ten years will make Steem the first and only cryptocurrency they ever use.
  6. Cost: Will we receive 27,000 Steem a month out of the 70 million that @Steemit has to scale up our existing ad campaigns and fund new ads every week because we can expect to get 5 to 10 users to sign up for every one Steem we spend? In an upcoming growth project post, we will ask for the funding and present out work to Steemit for review.

Would you upvote this post with whatever you would like to contribute to the advertising budget on Steem Video Ad #3 because all author rewards from this post will go to the ad budget? If you would like to participate in the filming of an interview for a future video ad, would you please comment here to be added to the list I am making for people to invite to do a video with me?

Jerry Banfield

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