Tips to Make Your Next Grocery Shopping Healthier

Healthy food choices are important to maintain good health and well-being. Making the healthiest food choices is more important to consume a well-balanced diet. Eating healthy food starts with shopping healthy foods. The grocery store can be a daunting place when you try to make healthy shopping. Between the trendy buzzwords, smart marketing and the enticing low prices on processed foods can make even the most health-conscious shoppers end up making blunders. We have listed out a few of the online grocery shopping and Exotic Food online shop tips which can actually make your shopping healthier, easier, quicker and cheaper.

1. Make a grocery list

Plan your menu for the week or the month well ahead and make a list. Having a list of to-be-purchased healthy foods in your hand will save your time and energy. You will also not be tempted to purchase any extra item which can keep your expenses on track.

2. Don't go for shopping while you're hungry

Do not shop while on an empty stomach. This will certainly derail you from the healthy grocery shopping list which you made. When you are hungry, you start shopping with your eyes. You will be tempted to buy foods that look good in your eyes, instead of healthy ones.


3. Buy foods with minimum additives

Make smart choices by reading the ingredients and nutrient list mentioned on the package of the food. The content for same food may vary from brand to brand as the preparation style differs. So, when you have more than one choice for a same type of product, compare the labels. Choose the product with low-fat, sodium and added sugars.

4. Do your shopping at off-peak hours

Doing your grocery shopping during prime times can make panic. The best time for grocery shopping is during a weekday evening or Sunday noon. You can avoid the rush, escape the long queue at counters and can experience a relaxed and easier grocery shopping. This can also give you extra time to analyze the product, read the labels thoroughly and pick the healthy foods of your choice.

5. Choose canned or frozen foods

Many grocery shoppers forget the fact that canned or frozen foods are as nutritious as fresh fruits and vegetables. But be fussy.Choose the food which contains the least amount of sodium and which does not contain any additives or syrups or sauces to preserve it.


6. Look out for the store perimeter first

This is one of the most important shopping tricks that can help you make a healthy shopping. The perimeter of the grocery store contains fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Remember to buy more veggies as you're supposed to eat at least five types of veggies a day. Thus, vegetables should occupy at least a third of your grocery shopping list.

7. Include whole-grain foods in your list

The whole wheat is a not-to-be-missed ingredient that you should add to your grocery list. When buying grains like breads and pastas, be more concerned about the size and servings. You can also include cereals, tortillas and crackers to your whole-grain foods list.


8. Go grocery shopping when you're happy

Being happy can create a positive thought and you'll be reminded of your healthy desires. With these thoughts in your mind, you will be more prone to buy healthy foods.

9. Know more about organic foods

Some products contain the term organic on their label. Many new shoppers confuse organic with the strict rules and regulations followed to produce that product. But organic is more than that. For example, organic fruits and vegetables are the ones that are grown without the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers or herbicides. Organic meat means that the animals are grown by feeding only organic feeds and they're not subject to any hormones or antibiotics.


10. Don't purchase the products placed at your eye-level

Some brands pay higher to the grocery store to place their products to the eye-level of the customer. Scan the shelves thoroughly and buy the product which is least expensive and nutritious at the same time.
With these listed tips and tricks hope you will be able to decide smartly the next time you go to your grocery shopping. Looking for an exotic supermarket, Wien? Gluckon, the No.1 Asian grocery store, Vienna, Austria offers a wide range of food products from difficult-to-find organic ingredients to traditional Asian food items.

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