One Year In The Life Of A 'Gridcoiner'

My 1st year anniversary of being a 'Gridcoiner' and a member of the Gridcoin Community has come and gone.

Since my post The "Old Man and the Gridcoin" - Apologies to Ernest Hemmingway (, I am even firmer in my belief that we all can do more by personally contributing to science for the benefit of human kind.

I know this may seem a rather high minded and somewhat patronizing statement but we do have the technological resources at our finger tips in the form of our smart phones, laptops and personal computers. We just disregard the fact that they often sit there idle.

We often walk away from our technology leaving them on whilst we attend to other things that have become more immediately important like work, play, sleep and we waste the power we’ve paid for.

Environmentally this doesn’t make sense, but as human nature dictates, we will continue to do it because we need to work or sleep and are easily distracted.

You don’t (I know I don’t) switch off your computer or smart phone when you're not using it. That’d be absurd, yes!

So they are left on to uselessly idle away, waste electricity and contribute to environmental pollution!

Well if we’re going to leave them on, why don’t we allow the time that we are away to be put to good use and benefit humanity at the same time?

We can, by simply loading BOINC onto our computers and doing a bit of ‘number crunching’.

The BOINC screensaver floats across our screen reminding us and those around us that we are doing our bit to help find a cure for Ebola, Zika, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease or simply searching for extraterrestrial life.

And now, here's the 'mind boggling' bit! By running a Gridcoin Wallet those projects that you're technology has been working on while you haven't been using your smart phone or computer can also help pay for themselves!

Yes they can!!

Gridcoin uses the credits you accrue on those projects your technology is working on, by using a clever Proof Of Research (PoR) algorithm, to mine Gridcoin.

Now you can earn a crypto currency for doing a good deed and also earn interest just for leaving the coins in your wallet!

Crypto currency is BAD, it is used by druggies and crooks who want to hide their 'ill gotten gains' and no honest person should use it as they'll only be helping illegality!!

This does seem to be the way many 'honest' people regard crypto currency although 'normal' national currencies such as Dollars and Euro are also used for illegal purposes and we still use those to pay the bills and put food on the table for our families.

Should we stop using these national currencies too because there are some people who use them for illegal purposes!

Of course not!!

The same goes for crypto currency. There will always be people that will take advantage, for their illegal purposes, in any economic activity.

So don't let it put you off. Just be as careful as you are when you use the old economic monetary tools and you'll be fine.

The value of crypto currency fluctuates just like national currencies and can be volatile but with a little common sense and patience you'll get the hang of it if you persevere.

Since joining Gridcoin Community, I have endured both the pleasure and the pain of interaction with a community which has such a diverse cross section. The community comprises many nationalities, many diverse opinions and many diverse interests.

There have been times in my communication with individuals and groups that I've questioned my tolerance and other times where I've felt fully at home and happy to be part of an exciting, vibrant and intelligent community.

Looking back on the last year I do have an overriding sense of achievement that would be difficult to replace.

I believe that the relationships that I have formed with the community as a whole and individually will last far into the future.

I feel part of an evolving and transparent community which is striving to formulate a system which caters to more than just dedicated 'technology nerds' and 'coders'.

I have learned a lot about myself, my weaknesses and strengths, during this year and I'm looking forward to continuing to stretch my intellectual capacity by 'learning something new every day'.

In closing, I'd like to thank my fellow community members for their patience, tolerance and never ending enthusiasm which has carried me through the last year.


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