A story about coins

So, a GridCoin, a BitCoin, and a BlackCoin go into a coin faucet ...

And the GridCoin says," Hey, don't you all have any purpose, like me? I raise awareness for science."

And the BitCoin replies," I create confusion in the monetary industry, and allow for pseudo-anonymous transactions in a ... ok, now even I'm confused about myself."

Each time they speak, they all take one (1) drink.

And BlackCoin says," Man, I feel unsafe here! I wonder if I should have agreed to do a Python contract with you guys; if this doesn't work out, I'll get a paranoid refund."

BTW, BlackCoin also likes to eat fried satoshis.

They all take another drink.

GridCoin leans over to BitCoin, and says, "Hey, you think we should trust him?"

BitCoin says," I don't know, my blockchain is still wasting Watts confirming the work from his last statement."

Just then, BlackCoin blurts out: "Contracts!" and falls over drunk.

Needless to say, they all wasted a pretty penny at that faucet, and got pretty plastered too.

Just then, GridCoin discovered the cure to cancer, genetic expression, and folding universal formulae for proteins, in a scientific hat trick, and says," BOOH-YAHH~! I just annuitized, Humanity!"

BitCoin just hangs his head in shame, and says," Man, I wish my feet weren't so covered in carbon, it just won't come clean. Why am I designed so evil?!"

GridCoin gives him a consoling hug, and helps BitCoin carry BlackCoin to a taxicab, and they call it a night.

Just then...

Ethereum shouts from the corner, "You are all also here for the money... but I do better marketing, and still have nothing to show"

At that moment a crowd appears at the other corner: FoldingCoin, CureCoin, Golemn, Sonm... and they look interested what has happened

Sonm says: "Let's incorporate all the ideas in a whitepaper and do this seriously and gather first money"

CureCoin says: "Fuck all that, we just want the pump and the dump"

Golemn smiles: "You fools don't know how it goes... we are already on Shapeshift"

FoldingCoin says: "First, try to beat our mining via browser, and then we'll talk again"


  • The begin is by james4trek and the end by me. Posted with permission, from a chat just minutes ago. Don't take above too seriously

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