In The Beginning: Why we chose the "Homestead" lifestyle.

Greetings from John & Melissa. We are so glad you’ve found our steemit page! We are so blessed to have found this community via Zach & Jaimie's An American Homestead YouTube channel and it is our hope that we can connect with other people who desire to live a more self-sufficient, simple and frugal life so we can exchange ideas and learn from one another.

Please check out our YouTube Channel, Twitter @StoneHouse_Home, and Instagram

(Melissa) I’ve been married for 25 years to my awesome husband and best friend, John. We live in a small town and one day hope to have a home in the country with some land. Until then, we do what we can with what we have. Thankfully our town has a strong agricultural history and continues to value the importance of self-sufficiency. The town codes actually allow for the keeping of livestock within the town limits as long as there is enough room, proper fencing and the animals are well kept. People keep goats, rabbits, chickens and one family even has a cow.


Our little suburban homestead is about a half acre in size. We currently have a fairly large garden, a couple of fruit trees and 2 laying hens, 3 ducks, 2 cats and a dog the size of a small pony. We hope to eventually add more garden space and honeybees as well. Oh, and I forgot to mention that we both have full time jobs away from the home.

September 11, 2001 showed me how fragile life is and how things can change in a minute. Then, a few years ago we began to see more changes. The housing bubble burst, some people lost their retirement funds others lost their jobs. Still today, despite what we are being told, the economy is not good and there are terrorists who want to kill us. John and I began to feel more and more impressed that we needed to do what we could to take care of ourselves and help others. As so began our suburban homesteading adventure
I don’t claim to be an expert in homesteading. But to me, homesteading is more of a state of mind than an actual place. It is our desire to be as self-sufficient as possible but we understand our current limitations and do our best to work within them. So, if you too have the desire to do as much for yourself as possible and to live simply and frugally then you’ve come to the right place. I look forward to having you join me in the journey!

(John) I want to personally welcome you to the StoneHouse Homestead steemit page. My wife and I are happy that you joined us today.

Ever since I was a little child I loved spending time out at my step-grandfather’s small farm and being around the animals at his brother’s dairy farm. By being around this farming community instilled in me the hard work ethic and love for the land and the environment which has helped me become more successful today.
Even though I work in the Information Technology field, even to this day I long to be out on the farm, working the ground and taking care of God’s creatures. Since you are here visiting our steemit page, I bet you feel the same way too!

Thanks again for joining us today and I want to personally invite you to come back often. Please check out our YouTube Channel, Twitter @StoneHouse_Home, and Instagram

Take Care & God Bless!


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