A Review of Labour's Green New Deal - A load of wank.

It was as if written by a blank sheet Utopian who had never walked down a mean street in their life.

The world is not a blank sheet which we can fix with idealistic policies. The only benefit for me in the Green New Deal is free education; if indeed this does suddenly mean free Masters and PhD courses with accom funding or guaranteed side joobs... which I highly doubt.

Some of the most worrying aspects are the end of borders:
"immediate action to dismantle the fundamentally racist and unjust ‘Fortress Britain’ and ‘Fortress Europe."
"The Green New Deal should introduce a commitment to welcoming all migrants to the UK"
"A world of free healthcare and childcare" where the British tax payer foots the bill.. If the country doesn't collapse due to the mass influx.

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The UBS idea sounds good, apart from how it will be affected by open borders
"Universal Basic Services (UBS) – a proposal founded on the understanding that everyone should have their basic needs met in order for them to thrive in and contribute to society, regardless of immigration status.
the strength of UBS derives from its inclusivity - providing services for all who need them, irrespective of ability to pay."

With no borders and such sweeties on offer, we could be out numbered in a week, drastically transforming our politics to suit that of India for example. India has twice as many people as all of Europe. What is to stop a mass influx of people looking for a better life in the UK with no borders and such offers? What is to stop the Indian government (for example) paying its citizens to move to the UK, and vote in Indian politicians and give the UK over to India? Bae Jaysus. Nothing could stop them or other large countries.

The green new deal hates climate engineering. It doesn't want to control the climate. It wants to domesticate the human to its will.
"They (climate engineering techs) also raise major ethical questions regarding global control of the manipulation of the climate, as well as the potential for certain parties to weaponize such control."

The intersectional feminism wafts through the entire collection of amateurish undetailed PDFs.
"a recognition of the historic and continuing injustices of British colonialism..."

No mention of Northern Ireland, reparations for my people, or even mention of giving me trains or usable public transport.

No mention of blockchain technology.

0/10 A load of wank

I'll personally be voting for a hanged parliament.

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover

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