Home day 63 'last 538 evers staat op show'


Good day it is friday today Welcome to my great adventure while I'm having a few months sabatical. A sad day today the last day of evers staat op.

Greendeliverence Dutch
MacMeal show

Hive Witness Update First post

Beginning with weekly updates on all my projects so stay tuned, hit that follow and like button, I also changed all my links to https://busy.com to get the pressure of the https://steemit.com nodes

Waking up

I wokeup at 7 o'clock I staid in bed enjoying my last day's of freedom. After I did the Jim kwik routine I did this post, all of this will be routine in a month or so. Those free meditation sessions are also great. I'm dutch I like free things.


Today I have busy day again. Lots of stuff happening aroud me. Also I'm playing with several ideas what gives me lot's and lot's and lot's of work but I need to be paid also, I need to eat live en feed my personal life with great experiences. You thought maybe hmm he is out of sync with his postingchedule. This is because I'm not feeling well. I want so much but I'm home not because I really want to, but because I need to. a few months ago it was for me a breakingpoint during a conversation that tipped me over the edge. Am I ready to work again? I don't know but I must. What do I really want? What I really want is concentrate on crypto, bring crypto to the masses, help others, work on my green projects. So I really don't have time to work but I need to earn some money to pay my bills that are overdue.

My tasks will be for now

  • buy christemas lights adapter
  • dutch post
  • make banners
  • see my friend Jenna
  • call picosol for this post of Fundition

I found an adapter for my christmaslight's that is cheaper then buying new lights. I want to finish my dutch post because I want to spread the love of steem, my opinion is when you love steem spread the love by posting in your own language. Make steem more accessible by creating how to posts.
I'm busy with new banners to get more bling bling with less text. a nice banner is better then reading the same text time after time after time again.
Today I want to reach picasol again, I'm affraid that they stopped their activities.
Today it is Jenna day I see a friend today to talk about lots of stuff.

Cook for 20 euro a week 8.1


Yesterday I had some spinach with potatoes and a polish meatball with some gravy. Those frozen blocks of spinach is really a great idea. I just warmed it in the microwave while the polish meatball and the potatoes cooked. The polish meatball I had that frozen when the mother of the polish woman came to Holland for a vacation but all she did was standing in the kitchen and cook.. almost then because she went to paris and did also some sightseeing with her daughter.

Last evers staat op show

Today is the last Ever staat op show go to radio 538 don't miss this last show this guy is legendary and was on the radio for 21 years.


The show lasts from 6:00-18:00


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Stay tuned for updates this post needs editing

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