#Pinned version

Hi there I came up with this page to make everything a bit easier to follow. If you go to the homepage of an account there is a lot of info, a lot of topics and reblogs.
I came across a reaction of someone that said but if you do this then your profile gets crowded with stuff and if I want to know you then there is too much info.
Yes you don't see the trees anymore through the forest that's totally right. The idea of browsing to a profile is a way of getting to know you. What are you posting what are your interests.
I came up with an idea what I all ready had was a link from one account to my dutch account, but if you link a document that you change during that week then you give the people who see your profile what they want and that is information. A new user gets like a school worth of info over their head they don't know where to start.
Who are you what are you doing what are your idea's that included in one document. When the week is over you just change the link to a new document. This is a win win situation. This document will grow and change in time until day 7 of the posttime is over. This idea is really months and months old now I'm just beginning with it.

Dutch profile homepage version

Dutch profile
This is a link to my dutch landing page.


Aquaponics try two day 9
This postchain is about my aquaponicssetup. I build this system to get free fresh food in my house, with fresh air and a few pets in return.

Home blog

Home day 31
This postchain is about my time during home. I don't work anymore until I really need it. It will be a few months sabbatical before I work again.

Coming around from 10 euro's a week

Cook for a week with €10,= week 3.4
This postchain is about coming around from 10 euro's a week, giving updates and tips how you can cook for only 10 euro's a week and my struggle getting there and keeping it.

Handy links for newbies

Band with issue
Check your mana on BeeMe
The hive etiquette
Peakd the new blockchain facebook
A blockchain YouTube variant d-tube
What is a curationtrail
Get free upvote by swetting in realtime
Steepshot is a blockchain instagram
Pinmapple you can link your blog to a location


Ben je Nederlands? Ga dan naar deze Alldutch community, voor vragen over #Hive of alldutch ga dan naar dit discord kanaal het is een beetje stil maar het wordt regelmatig gecheckt.

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Stay tuned for updates this post needs editing

Alldutch discord for fun and support

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