Holy Thursday - Meditation

👆👉 "Πίετε εξ αυτού πάντες. Τούτο εστι το Αίμα μου, το εκ της Καινης Διαθήκης, το υπέρ υμών εκχυνομενον εις αφεσιν αμαρτιών"
Ιησούς Χριστός

👆👉 In the Orthodox church this day is dedicated to four events, described in the Gospels. According to the evangelical references these events occurred just before the Crucifixion.
✨ The events:
✨ The Last Supper, the dinner of Jesus Christ with the twelve Apostles. Gospels of Matthew (26, 17-30), Mark (14, 12-26) and Luke (22, 7-23).
✨ The washing of the feet of the 12 Apostles by Jesus Christ, described in the Gospels of Matthew (23, 6-12), Luke (22, 24-28) and John (13, 1-20)
✨ The Sublime Prayer, the prayer of Jesus Christ to His Father after the Last Supper and just before His arrest. Described in the Gospel of John (17, 1-26)
✨ The betrayal of Judas, resulted in the arrest of Jesus Christ. Described in the Gospel of Matthew (26, 47-56), Mark (14, 43-50), Luke (22, 47-53) and John (18, 1-11)

👆👉 "Λάβετε φαγετε, τούτο εστι το Σώμα μου, το υπέρ υμών κλωμενον εις αφεσιν αμαρτιών"
Ιησούς Χριστος

✔️ Photos taken by @imealien (2017)

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  • Text source: The New Testament
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