Far-left Greek PM Tsipras to attempt to remove Christianity as State religion

Are you really going to let him!?

When you do not fight back; when you do not make tyrants fear the people, you encourage them to become even more tyrannical, to look for more ways to betray you and your country. How many more examples do you need that it can be done? Greek students did it and got rid of the greek dictatorship. Italy did it. Spain is now doing it. Is there not ONE Greek you can trust to be your leader and lead you out of this dead-end?

You can no longer sit back and hope the future will work out without you fighting for it

It is your choice - either you fight, or, as lambs, you let him drive you over the edge of the cliff, so that he can hand over the country to the mousoulmanous.

God!!! What a betrayal of your ancestors who fought to free Greece of the Turks that would be!

Your last Chance - Your Choice!

Read from source: https://voiceofeurope.com/2018/11/far-left-greek-pm-to-attempt-to-remove-christianity-as-state-religion/

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

10th November, 2018

  • posted on Steemit: 10th November, 2018

Please, do not vote for me
just vote for Greece and for your children, so that they have a future worth living

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