Do you think the two party system is a construct? Why are we allowing wealthy elites and the entertainment industry tell US what to do?

Getting to the heart of the matter. Now that so many are aware of the two party system being a construct used to divide us, I gave a call for "where are the dems?" Why did I do this? Because many who considered themselves republicans no longer give it power. We understand we have all been played! Recently did a report on the corruption of the Bush family, whom I adored! I was played! I am not too proud to admit I allowed it, bought into this horse and pony show! On my journey of waking up to much of what we see on the news, in the entertainment/music industry and last but not least those governing us; why are these extravagant, wealthy elitist telling us, the heartbeat of America what We should be Doing? How is it that they understand our situation, finances, hardships, struggles and needs when they are not one of us? Do you feel they understand you if you are the middle, the working class? Many times they who govern us, those who try to shape our opinion whether it be through the influence of elitist celebrities or posh politicians as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Steve Pierce, David Trott, Richard Blumenthal, Joseph Kennedy III, John McCain, Bill Foster, Dianne Feinstein and that is just a few of the many who are millionaires and if they were truly disclosing off shore accounts and the like, many are billionaires. How can they possibly even begin to relate. These are people who live in opulent conditions, take luxury vacations their friends tell them they deserve, then they think they can tell all of us who to listen to or vote for. How do you suppose they made all of that money? Some claim it was from fortunes of spouses or family business. We know the truth about many if not all. . .they have steered legislation that would be favorable towards companies in which they place their investments or have stock holdings. At least that is just one avenue. There are kickbacks, bribery and of course pork barrel politics. They protect each other no matter their guise of Dem or Repulican.

A Time article states,

The Center for Responsive Politics analyzed the personal financial disclosure data from 2012 of the 534 current members of Congress and found that, for the first time, more than half had an average net worth of $1 million or more: 268 to be exact, up from 257 the year earlier. The median for congressional Democrats was $1.04 million and, for Republicans, $1 million even.

To calculate the net worth of lawmakers, the Center added together members’ significant assets, such as corporate bonds and stocks, then subtracted major liabilities such as loans, credit card debt and property mortgages.

Here’s the breakdown: the median net worth for all House members was $896,000 (Democrats averaged $929,000 to Republicans’ $884,000) and, for Senators, $2.5 million. The median net worth for Senate Democrats was $1.7 million, down from $2.4 million in 2011; for Republicans: $2.9 million, up from $2.5 million in 2011.

Isn't the heart of the democratic party or the republican party supposed to be the people? We the People? Shouldn't the needs of the people outweigh the grandstanding and the attention inducing shenanigans of these politicians, supposed civil servants (who by their wealth and proclamations are not very servant like) and celebrities? Why has this trend of "let the wealthy rule the will of the people" continued for so very long, and through so many generations? Are we really just sitting ducks? Or is there cognitive dissonance? Perhaps we have all for many generations been soaking up the entertainment they have so kindly and easily provided for us. Maybe we have done so to the point of falling into a trance. The kind of trance where we have entered a warm, cozy web. Slowly and without detection it begins to wind around us. Seeming to embrace, shield from harm. Those helping to form the web tell us they are helping us, after all, don't they know best? Just look at where they are. . .they have the title of congressman/woman, senator, public servant, dept. of whatever fancy title. They have the payoff's to prove they have the right to tell us what to do. Here we are all cozy and enjoying our entertainment and we don't want to have to lift a finger, after all we are busy working for the system they all helped to create. A system based on bogus rewards where they determine how much govermonopoly money they will release into society and just how much everything will be valued at. They pretend it's all magic or dependent on catastrophes, but if you take a look at their system they orchestrate, there's no magic about it. The Federal Reserve has an OZ or shall we say group of OZ behind the curtain doing what is best for Them not US! They pretend to care about a healthcare system, when they have their own elite healthcare. If you are someone thinking Hillary and Obama wanted to help US, we the little people, you need to poke around and see just how much They are worth and where they are getting kick-backs, pats on the back which equal padding their already brimming pockets! Why are we allowing them to orchestrate and weave this web around us again? Is it because we don't really want to deal with it or do anything about the fact that deep down, while we are arguing with one another over party politics, we know something is wrong, something is very, very wrong! And as we ponder we become more ensconced in this web We have Allowed them to weave around us and now we don't really want out. Is it that we don't want to take the added time to suss out their true intentions or just how in the World they get that wealth and continue to grow it many times astronomically. Do you suppose there is someone higher and mightier than them pulling the strings? If that is the case, what are we all fighting for? Who does all our fighting help? Does it help us or them and ultimately the people above them. . .filling their coffers so They can orchestrate and control?

I have asked if those calling themselves Dems really don't see through the lies and manipulations. Do they really not see any corruption in their party? I know they see it in the opposite party, but why do they pretend there is none in their own party when it is blatant. I know they are not stupid. I know many of them have a real heart and would prefer good over evil. Do a majority of Dem voters really not see they have been taken for a ride just as the Republican voters?

I do see the Never Again Dem people out there. Recently I got a comment from a former Dem and really appreciated their honesty. I can identify with them because it was exactly how I felt about the party I used to be part of that took me for a ride! This was a comment on a report I did called Q latest drops breakdown Helicopter Crash their connections. I also covered Why Schiff is so shifty on memo. I dealt with the fact that in Schiff's district there are seedy and strange going on's. Like the connection of the people in the recent helicopter crash that were part of the Standard hotel with a prior owner who has had sex harassment allegations along with accounts of pointers and flags for child sex trafficking. I will leave the name anonymous, the comment was insightful and powerful!

"Very revealing! Thanks again so much for your research and connecting the dots. You asked about dems. I haven't been a dem since 2008. I was a Hillary Clinton supporter in dem primaries of 2008. But voted for McCain in the general election that yr. Knowing what I know now, there's no way I would have voted for McCain either and certainly not supported Hillary. But it was 2008 that I first became aware of corruption in dem. party - particularly at high levels as well as the collaboration much of MSM. They were very pro-Obama that yr. and anti-Hillary. But that was the "plan" for that yr. Later in 2016 they were pro-Hillary and anti-Trump. And of course the anti-Trump hatred has never stopped. I first became aware of Pedogate through very young journalists like David Seaman. This was right before and after the general elections. I was shocked beyond belief. But the torture and sacrifice of some of these kids was something I wasn't yet prepared to recognize. But now I know it must be true! Just cannot imagine the depths of evil some people are involved in. And the fact that some of these people are household names. Voted for Trump! It's a miracle he won but feel the hand of God over this nation and his presidency! Try to give thanks every day that Trump won and that those who are still honest and decent in our government are prevailing. Thank-you so much for your work!"

What do you think? Do you think the two party system is a construct? Please let me know in the comments.

If you have woken up and seen the truth please leave a comment and tell us what your awakening experience has been like. I look forward to hearing from you. God speed!

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