Gratitude Day 6: Grateful For A Safe Landing

It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth but of God that showeth mercy.

Today is Gratitude Day 6 and I'm grateful for arriving at my parent's place.

It may not be nothing to some persons as I almost shoved it aside when the thought came to be grateful for arriving safely at home.

But I was reminded by the scripture quoted above.

It kept ringing in my head and I just knew I had to be thankful for that.

It was close to a 3 hours journey but I got home safe.

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No hindrance, the vehicle stopped though, but it was fixed and it got running again.

What are you grateful for?
Join @tojukaka and others on the 62 Days Gratitude challenge and express gratitude.

Remember, there's always something to be grateful for. Look within 🙄

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