Gratitude Day 29 : Light

Nigeria is a country blessed with unstable light 😂

It's on for one minute and the next, it goes off.

I'm always scared of rainy seasons ☔
Because the Power Holding Company, NEPA as we fondly call them would ensure the wires get dry first before restoring the light, which may take some days....

These past few days have had us wondering if NEPA was celebrating their birthday as there have been stable light.

Each time the light goes off, it only takes few minutes for it to be restored.

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My devices have never run down.

It's always on the average.

When I'm thinking 🤔 about my battery almost draining, the light gets restored and I get to charge my devices.

Today, being the 29th of @tojukaka's gratitude day challenge, I choose to be grateful for light

Darkness cannot overcome darkness, only light can.

I'm an enemy to darkness as I cannot cope in a dark environment because I am night blind.

So always having light, especially at night is my priority and I'm grateful for this gift.

Little things matter.....

What are you grateful for?
Join @tojukaka and others to express gratitude for that which you're grateful for.

Remember, there's always something to be grateful for. Look within 🙄....

My name is Juliet Israel and I am grateful

Cheers ✌

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