Gratitude Day 17


When you have an Attitude of Gratitude, your increase in Altitude is inevitable.

It is such a beautiful thing to show gratitude and I applaud @tojukaka for giving this thought and helping us all to show our gratitude.
So I thought how best I could write my gratitude posts...As many as I'm chanced to write, I'd pick a person, a place/institution and a phenomenon/idea/ideology.

I made out time to ensure that I write this gratitude post on this day, Day17! Yes! Day 17! Just like the number 62 is special to @tojukaka, the number 17 is a special number to me in a special way so I couldn't miss this one.



There's no better person to start with than the man @tojukaka himself. I can beat my chest and tell it anywhere that this guy is a Good man. He has a beautifully large heart, friendly, open, loving, humble, smart, wise, a perfect gentleman.
I was opportuned to have met and known him long before Steemit. We served in the same choir in church. He is a gifted singer and plays the acoustic guitar well too.. I am grateful this day for @tojukaka.


The University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria!
The Premier University in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A citadel of knowledge, a pride of the nation. That is my Alma Mater.
I'm grateful for the institution, still standing, still soaring. I'm grateful for all the experiences I had therein. The sleepless nights, the long unending lectures, the tough lecturers, the crazy exams, the beautiful friends i made there. All beautiful. I am grateful for them all.



Wierd huh??
Yes I am grateful for the Failures we have in life.
Our failures are important indices for us! They are relevant statistics/metrics for us, they count!! Every time we fail at anything, we learn one more way never to do that thing again, one more way to not live, so we can make our world a better place.
Note that I'm not saying we should remain failures, but that even when we fail, our of it comes a better us.'s been fulfilling writing this post.

Thank you @tojukaka for this opportunity.
God raise your head high.

Yours steemfully,

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