You unravel me with a melody
You surround me with song
Of deliverance, from my enemies
Till my fears are gone

I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God


This Hillsong composed song's been playing on my lips all day. I stand in awe of God. Super grateful I am a Child of God. You know, it's so stunning how the God of the whole Universe is so interested in all my affairs. I am grateful for the gift of being redeemed and being called his very own.

I have searched for different reasons why he loves me, but he just loves me that way. Just like that. It's not the fact that I love him but the fact that he first loved me. I'm melted. It struck me this morning when I discovered:

I am God's obsession

He's so delighted to be involved in all that pertains to me. The most mind-blowing thing for me is that he has a plan for me. A sure one at that Oh! Do you feel me? I wonder how forgot my identity all along.

Even His name says he's with me! Oh my! He's with me wherever i go. Oh my! This is turning to the #churchgirl's series already. I wonder how i would listen to people who are not aware of their own identity to define mine.

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Thank God for second chances.

I celebrate who I am in God. You might not understand my #ramblings but I have no greater joy than being A CHILD OF GOD It's exhilirating!

Guys, to say I am grateful is an understatement

I am fearlessly grateful for my process! I am getting refined!

Try to get some dose of God. It sure works

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