Thank You! I Invite You to Allow Gratitude to Enter Your Life in 2018!

Hello and "Thank You" for all that you do each day to keep this world safer and saner. 

Let the light into your life!

Tomorrow, the Citizens of the World will celebrate a long tradition of gathering with family and friends to usher in a New Year. Often, we will also make "New Year's Resolutions" which will typically involve asking for things; things we want to have, things we want to happen; things we want to accomplish.

Here in the United States, most of us already have everything we could possibly need, so I ask you to also take a moment to allow in gratitude for these blessings of abundance! Even though you might feel that things are missing in your life, the mere fact that you are someplace where you can read this message puts you in a better place than billions of people!

(graphic is our own)

If only we could be assured that everyone, everywhere had such peace and plenty! If only our daily prayers and meditations, no matter where we were, would need to be no more than a simple "Thank You". 

Unfortunately, we live in a world of strife and lack, and in a time of unrest and unease; and the information and news networks don't seem to do much to assist us in looking to a brighter future either ... 

... so it's up to us to find those moments in our daily lives and share success stories, joyful memories and keep the fires of faith lit in the "Hearths of our Hearts".

Even if you can't do much else, please take a daily moment for gratitude in 2018!

We're all in this together.

Thank you. I love you.

~Rev. Sarah Nash
(A version of this message previously appeared on the White Light Express Facebook page)   

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You are not alone!
(Graphic is our own)

The White Light Express Mission Statement:

The mission of the White Light Express is to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.  

We appreciate you following us and upvoting if you feel inspired to do so. We love you already, because across all the myriad beliefs we hold, Love IS the answer! 

In addition to our blog here on Steemit, you can also find us on the White Light Express web site, on our Facebook Page and on our twitter feed.     

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