Giving Thanks

It's Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend and I was so fortunate to be able to make it home to my parent's house in Nova Scotia (thanks for the airmiles mom!!!!)

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We went for a cruise around the lake in their boat, had a hot tub party and drank Nova Scotia Cider and beer. YUM! Coming home is always so grounding because Toronto can get busy and loud. But when I'm in the East coast I get to slow down and appreciate the little things like the leaves changing colour and how cool my family is.

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I am feeling very mushy today and wanted to share a few things that I'm thankful for:

  • My family, friends, partner- Who love me a lot but also ask me the tough questions, keep in my check while simultaneously inspiring me. I believe that love is the most important thing and practicing it every day, even when it's difficult has cultivated meaningful relationships with others and love for myself.
  • My health - Even though I had a bad ankle sprain I'm still dealing with, it has reminded me how important my body is to the work that I do and to take care of myself. And that by taking care of myself I can inspire the people around me to do the same.
  • Laughter - I love to laugh, I love to make people laugh and I love to watch others laugh. Life is too short to not enjoy it.
  • Steem Community- I truly am grateful for what I'm discovering on Steem, the people I'm meeting and how it is fueling me creatively.
  • Willow -Yes my fluffy fur baby I am so grateful for. I haven't actually had a pet as an adult until we got Willow and having her around makes my heart so happy. Her snuggles are the best, even when she wakes us up at 4am I still love her and her!
  • Writing- Writing is a new practice for me. Well consistently writing. I have always journaled but I am truly diving into finding my voice and it's been leading me to big discoveries and lots of new ideas. Being an actor/aerialist is definitely creative but generating and writing ideas and sharing them has been teaching me SO MUCH about the type of work it is I want to create and put into the world.

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you all- I hope everyone takes some time today (and actually everyday) to remind themselves what they are grateful for. Even in our toughest times we can always find something to be thankful for, it doesn't have to be big it just has to be important to you.

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PS: The boat featured above is my parent's boat that was built in 1953 and it's the cutest! I couldn't help but be on it and think about how Barbara-Anne might use it... tee hee!


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