The Day of Balance - Autumnal Equinox Gratitude List - Comment for a ~$0.50 Vote

Greetings beautiful Steemians!

Today is the Autumnal Equinox here in the northern hemisphere, and the Vernal Equinox in the southern. No matter which side of the planet you're on, the Equinox is a powerful day, when light & dark are in balance, and when things start moving powerfully in one direction or the other (towards Summer/light or towards Winter/darkness).

This weekend is not only the Equinox, there is also a Full Moon (Harvest Moon) on Monday, bringing just a little bit of extra juice to whatever intentions we set during this time.

Taking a look at the Astrology of this Equinox & Full Moon, some of the things that really seem to stand out are the balance between energy & focus moving inward with Autumn here and Winter coming, while the sun is moving into Libra, which is heavily focused on partnership and connection with others.

Here are a couple snippets about the astrology of this time, from ForeverConscious:

The Sun’s journey through Libra signifies a time of balance and working together with others. It is a time to turn our attention to the “other” and to focus on how we can create healthy partnerships and friendships.

Libra energy is about finding the balance between honoring your own needs and wants, and taking into consideration others needs and wants. It is a time to find harmony and equilibrium with all areas of your life.
This year, the September 2018 Equinox also carries special influence because of the asteroid Chiron.

Chiron is known as the healer in astrology. Wherever Chiron shows up in your astrology chart indicates a wound that needs to be healed and cleansed through the course of your lifetime.

Chiron’s wounds are karmic, and represent lessons and themes that your soul has come to achieve in this life.

Chiron is extremely active around the time of the Equinox, indicating that a time of healing is also underway for us all.
The energy of Chiron and the Sun in Libra, is there to remind us that we are all one in the same. It is there to heal cultural and deep seeded wounds that we have around our connections with others. It is there to help us see that our differences are just an illusion and deep down, we are really connected, we are one.
The September 22 Equinox is a time to heal the divide. It is a time to cross that bridge between the ego you and the higher self you, and feel the connection, the strength, and the love that comes from knowing that we are One.

Giving Thanks

Whether it be an Equinox, a Solstice, a Full Moon, a New Moon, or simply a day ending in "y", one of my favorite practices is to make gratitude lists. My observations, experiences, and lessons from others have all led me to see Gratitude as the key to manifestation, happiness, and fulfillment.

  • I am grateful for the health of my physical body, and how clearly it communicates its needs to me!
  • I am grateful for my brain, its ability to remember things, learn quickly, and see patterns!
  • I am grateful for all the blessings, support, and guidance I have/do/will receive!
  • I am grateful for my amazing community of world-changing, open-hearted, open-minded, magical humans!
  • I am grateful for my love, @TheLynx, and the almost unbelievable connection & alignment that we share!
  • I am grateful for the ease with which my life unfolds; challenges making way for deepening growth and greater capacity for love & compassion!
  • I am grateful for my innerstanding of the Universe and its laws, how things unfold, and how to align myself with the world that I want to see and walk towards it!
  • I am grateful for the STEEM blockchain and the amazing humans that use it, build on it, and make it into the life-changing platform that it is!
  • I am grateful for all of the authors, speakers, and teachers who have helped shape my mind into what it is today!
  • I am grateful to be here, now, in this time of never-before-seen discomfort, transformation, and global connection!

Tell us what you're grateful for = get rewards

One of my favorite things to do is help folks practice new mindsets, new vibrations, new ways of interacting with the Universe. A fun way to do this is to create the opportunity for immediate manifestation, so that's what we're doing today.

Because I believe that gratitude is the key to abundance, I am offering each and every one of you an opportunity to practice the simple act of stating gratitude & receiving abundance (nearly) instantly!

To take part in this manifestation practice, you just need to do 3 things:

  1. Up-vote this post (Anywhere from 1-100% voting weight. I'm not worried about the payout so much as building an energetic connection and to help the post get more attention)
  2. Re-steem this post (again, to help this post get more attention)
  3. Leave a comment with 3 (or more) things/people that you are grateful for.
  4. Get a 1% up-vote from @TribeSteemUp
    Note: only 1 up-vote per account, and I will be checking to make sure people aren't using sock-puppet accounts

A little something to leave you with

Astarius Miraculii, one of my favorite YouTubers, just posted this a couple days ago, and while it isn't specifically related to the Equinox or the Full Moon, I think it's a good fit for the energy I'm cultivating, and I wanted to share it with you :-)

Image Sources

Equinox Blessings
CB Gratitude
Oprah Meme


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