Attitude of Gratitude is always powerfully positive :)

I recently entered a contest about a supernatural life event and after 7+ days...I had not received a repost or response...Boo-hoo, poor me, right LOL!! I was thinking, well that was much ado about nothing and kinda' being a bit negative about the whole experience. The truth is that I have been really distracted with some human to human life things that are really quite important so not investing a ton of energy into Steemit lately. I was falling into negative self talk about participating here and decided to just take a break which I really need to do in order to show up fully in some other areas of my big deal, I thought. I will get back to it, when I get back to it.
I had ordered a book that was recommended by the promoter of the SWC and it arrived. It turns out that the book:
Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani
was exactly the book I needed at this particular time!! It became obvious to me that the contest was not what was important at all, it showed up to give me the opportunity to open up to what the Universe was showing me was important. This book and some others that were sitting on my shelf were there to guide me and help me with a very important path that I have agreed to walk with a Dear friend. My disillusionment with the contest was replaced with gratitude for the part it played in guiding me to this very moment. Everything in our path has the potential to give us exactly what we need if we are willing to allow ourselves to find the positive gift.
Wishing ALL a beautiful day!
Love, Cheryl

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