Grateful to you, Lord

As I look back to these photos, can't help myself but to just thank the Lord for every blessing He has poured not just to me but also to my family.
2015, I graduated Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. The road to this degree was never an easy grasp. I went through ups and downs just to pursue this kind of career. And with the Lord's grace, was able to graduate. It was all worth the trade as evidenced by smile in there. :D

This is my lola Pacing. We were able to finish college thru her help financially. She was even more happy than I was.
So this is my family! We were just 4. Hehe! I thank the Lord for their patience, ever pursuing soul and spirit. I remember when I was third year, I failed my major. I didn't want my parents to know it. But then, I had to tell them that I can't graduate on time. I need an extra semester to finish the degree. To my surprise, they didn't scold or I didn't hear any complains from them. I was really crying for they are very much supportive and understanding. I really did my best to pass that subject but it was perhaps way of the Lord to show His amazing power to my life that even I didn't graduate on time, His will and plans still be done and remain. On my second take of that major subject, of course I already passed with a very satisfying grade :) *And just another info, after my graduation day, my sister had her graduation ceremony as well, that next day. She graduated AB Political Science. Really, To God be all the glory! We don't get everything in life, we are just living average. Our life is just simple that we just appreciate what's on our table. But, see and witness that God really provides everything!

fast forward to May 2016, I got that three-letter acronym to put beside my name, CPA! I passed the board exam on my first take. I made this October 2015 if I'm not mistaken. It was actually my way of declaring that on May 2016, I'll be already a CPA and here it is, it materialized! So much thankful to the Lord!
I'm posting this not to brag all my achievements in life put to magnify the NAME of the Lord, JESUS who is really my Victory. I don't own all of these and so I want to give back all the glory and honor to Him!
So, whatever your circumstance or situation you are in, please be reminded that the Lord hears all your cries just give up and leave everything to Him! He will move in your life if you just allow! And in every trial that you are in, His power is made perfect for you! Keep your focus to Him, He is more than what you really know! Make a decision now that you will make Him as your Lord and savior! May the love of the Lord be upon you. :)

A resteem, comment and upvote is highly appreciated. :D
God bless your heart!

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