This will not be an easy post for me to share. My only hope is that it may help another struggling human being.

Today, and for the past 8 days, I have done something I was thinking would soon be possible: I am sober.



For the past 6 years I have consumed cannabis/weed/pot. Over the past 3 years, my use has increased. I have been smoking copious amounts of weed everyday. I was what would be classified as a psychologically dependent cannabis user (abuser). This was of course, combined with alcohol. I am grateful to say that I have not quit because something bad occurred. At the same time, one post will not be enough to share all that has occurred. I know that many people struggle with Cannabis addiction. I have many friends that I know consume on a daily basis. I promise you here, my fellow Steemians, that I will share my experience with you in a series of posts. I am documenting my journey for my first 40 days and will be sharing in the future.


Cannabis is the most widely used drug in the world. The plant has existed for over 6000 years and its history is parallel true history of our species. Cannabis is a plant with medicinal properties. When it's flowers and resin is heated and inhale or digested, it creates a psychotropic effect.

relating to or denoting drugs that affect a person's mental state.
"a psychotropic drug"

Cannabis is becoming increasingly legalized in countries all over the world. First World countries like the United States and Canada are leading the charge in legalizing this drug. Because of my addiction, I have research this topic thoroughly. I have come to the conclusion that Cannabis is addictive. Research has shown that 9% of Cannabis users can become dependent. I would like to point out that the addiction is very much psychological. Cannabis is not as physically addicting as other drugs as cocaine and opioids, but it's addiction is essentially psychological.

I am one of that 9 % of users that became dependent. This is difficult for me to share because not many people in my life know of my use. I understand now that it's time to start a conversation about this though.

A note to other users: each individual experience is different. You are the only one that can judge if this is a problem for you. It was a problem for me, and I was beginning to think I had no solution.

how did I start my sobriety?

I have looked for divine intervention and found it.

I left my town for a few days to get away from all the temptation and went on a fasting retreat. I have searched for the Lord God and He has helped me.


For now, I would just like to share my happiness with all of you. I am grateful to God that I am sober and recovering.

I am reaching out to all of you. If you think that you have a problem with weed / Cannabis, my hand is outstretched to you. Feel free to contact me directly; I'd be happy just to talk to you.


Discord username: impatientoptim#6729

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