I'm grateful for my sisters


I know there are only eleven days left, but I want to join the #gratefulvibes posting!

I need to concentrate on being grateful. I think of myself as a pretty grateful person, but I've not been very grateful this year and I'd like to change that. I think this is a start.

I'm grateful for my sisters

I actually have five sisters. One died at 3 months old in 1987, but the other four are alive and well and I love them all dearly. Seven years ago two of my sisters got married, and these two left at home have become even better friends than I would have imagined.

dressing up in weird clothes back in 2010 with a friend along for the ride

I'm grateful to my youngest sister for her easy cheerfulness, for her willingness to tell me that I need to change my attitude with humbleness; and her "me too" attitude that encourages her to help me out with task after task. I appreciate her being the same all the time. I expect her to react well to bad situations, and it's rare that she doesn't.

My second youngest sister is pretty fantastic too!

My second youngest sister thinks outside the box. All the time. She is one of those people who would totally have bucked societal norms in the 1800s and while I don't think she would have worn pants (gasp) she would definitely have done things because they made sense and not necessarily because they were fashionably polite. She is a person I go to for advice, someone who helps me arrange my thoughts when they are scattered and looks at a thing to see if it is good and makes sense, not if it's comfortable.

People usually think they are my daughters; they aren't. The youngest could technically be my daughter since she is 15 years younger than myself, but the blondie girl is only barely ten years younger, since she was born a week before my tenth birthday. Really guys, not as old as I look.

I like to think it's just my mature attitude and the habit I have of speaking with little inflection. Who knows? Whatever the case, these two have blessed my life greatly. They are my biggest blessings this year.

Bless the most High, indeed.

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