The Power of Gratitude


The attitude of gratitude is one of the greatest power a person can use to make life better. For the past few years, I have learned that being grateful even the smallest blessings or good things in life can make a big difference.

Here are the things I have learned throughout the years about gratitude:

1.Gratitude is a great multiplier. The more thankful you are, the more that you attract things to be thankful for.

Recently, I have been listening to the audio and video versions of the books of Rhonda Byrne— The Secret, The Power and The Magic. In her books, she talked mainly about the law of attraction. The concept is simple, you attract what you feel and think about the most. If you think of positivity, you attract positivity; if you think of negativity,
you attract negativity.

To use the power of gratitude, you have to practice it. Every time you notice something to be grateful for, say thank you. The more thankful you are, the more you are likely to attract things to be grateful for.

In an organization where I belong, I lead a small group. In our weekly gatherings, we see to it that we talk about small and big things to be thankful for. This gives the group a positive outlook and feeling of hope. We end the gathering by writing our intentions and by praying for these intentions. What’s really surprising is that most prayer intentions are being answered. When we meet every week, we always have something to be thankful for that we prayed for previously. Some intentions happen in a short period of time and some, in a longer period of time. Aside from the gift of prayer and faith, this is an experience that shows that because we focus on gratitude, we attract more things to be grateful for.

my weekly small group gathering

2.Before you sleep, think of the things to be grateful for during the day. When you wake up, think of things you are thankful for. Be thankful for all the things you have.

I have been doing this regularly and this also helps me feel good. Of course, life is not perfect. Good and bad things happen every single day. At the end of the day, it’s up to us whether we will focus on negative things or on the positive things. As for me, I do my best to think of the good things and as I pray, I say thank you for those things. In “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, it is suggested to use a gratitude rock as a tangible reminder to be thankful, too. Being grateful before you sleep can help give a peaceful rest.

a personalized gift from a friend which I use as a gratitude rock

When I wake up, that’s also the first thing that I do. I pray and give thanks for the things that went well the previous day, for the things that I have, and also for the gift of life. Some people are not given that chance to wake up, and that fact that I woke up is a big thing to be grateful for. Being grateful can harness good feelings. Doing this when you wake up may help you attract positivity throughout the day.

3.Set yourself up for happiness and gratitude. Appreciate every little thing that you have. You may realize you are more blessed than others.

Some people are not happy because they set a very high standard BEFORE they can say that they are happy or thankful.

“I’ll ONLY be happy or thankful WHEN I become a millionaire, travel the world, become famous, buy this or that...”

There’s nothing wrong with aiming for big things. But some people LIMIT their happiness ONLY in those big things. If they don’t get those, they are not thankful and happy. They tend to take for granted the small things that could make them happy or grateful, too— the good people around them, the food that they eat, the jobs that give them income, the things they own, the place they live at, the clothes they wear, etc.

Some people complain because they don’t like their colleagues or boss; They are more blessed than millions of people who don’t have a job.

Some people complain about the the small money that they have; They are more blessed than the people who don’t have a single cent.

Some people complain because they don’t like the food they ate; They are more blessed than millions of people who don’t have food in their tables. Believe it or not, there are even people who eat “dust, dirt,
leftover and trash” just to fill their stomachs up.

Some people complain because they cannot buy that signature clothes they saw in the advertisements; They are more blessed than the people who don’t have anything to wear.

Some people complain because they don’t live in their dream house; they are more blessed than the people who sleep on the streets.

Some people are so frustrated in life that they want to die or commit suicide; there are dying people who would do anything just to live one more day.

There are lots of things to be thankful for if we just learn to see how blessed we are with whatever it is that we have.

4.Express gratitude to the people around you especially to those who did even the smallest act of love and kindness.

Sometimes, we only appreciate the people we love or the people who did good things to us when they’re gone. Life is short and it is good to express to people around us how thankful we are with their presence and for all that they have done to make our lives better.

With this, I would like to take this opportunity to thank some people here in Steemit.

@janicehung Thank you for introducing me to Steemit and for being my role model, coach, inspiration and friend. As I always say, you are a person beautiful inside and out. You are authentic. You are humble. You are a person anyone can look up to. Thank you for making my life more beautiful with your mere existence and presence. Thank you for making me part of your advocacy—the uDEFEND Project. Thank you for sharing your talent, knowledge and wisdom to the world. Inspiring a lot of people around the world is “priceless”.

uDEFEND Project [photo credit: Ms. Janice Hung]

@Steemitmanila Thank you for making me part of the group and for helping me learn more about Steemit.

with Ms. Janice Hung and @princesslilo from Steemit Manila

@princesslilo Thank you for the friendship and also for the blogs you post. You are a talented writer. I look forward in reading your posts.

@siningniviola Thank you for sharing your talent here in Steemit. I always look forward in seeing the artworks and information on arts that you post. Thank you also for sharing your knowledge about Steemit to me.

painting by @siningniviola

@steventemplar @jink2k Thank you for taking time to read, comment,
upvote and resteem my posts.

@carlyn Thank you for taking time to read, comment, upvote and resteem my posts and for supporting Ms. Janice Hung. I appreciate your goodness.

@paradise-found Thank you so much for your kindness. You’re one of the friendliest people I know here in Steemit. Thank you for your initiative in spreading positivity and gratitude in Steemit through @gratefulvibes. With this, more and more people will be aware on how gratitude can make life better.

gratefulvibes logo by @siningniviola

To all the Steemians who read, comment, resteem and upvote my posts, thank you very much.

What about you, what and who are you thankful for?



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