Ministry of Truth Being Formed in Front of Your Eyes to Hide a Society Reset

We’ve definitely entered the era where these Grand Solar Minimum’s effects on our planet’s weather systems are being seen in food pricing which is in full play Now corporate interests are actively trying to control the narrative of what can be shared online in terms of information.

You see the same thing in communist China, if it’s not approved by the central authorities, you’re not allowed to share it. People out in Sichuan Province that were sharing images of the massive floods wiping out cities were arrested and their social media accounts deleted. This is because the narrative from the China government was, “there were few floods but not too much damage,” then the subpar construction was out in the open for everybody to see, so they had to control that.

Just like we’re starting to see here. Breaking down the new E.U copyright bill Articles 11 and 13, both passed. This was a working draft in July, PlagiarismToday article detailed what would be encompassed in Article 11. They’re going to call it the link tax or the meme killing sanction. The link tax is simple enough to understand, if you share a link from anywhere on social media, could be from The Guardian, New York Times or whatever it is, those corporate media institutions are going to demand Facebook, Twitter or whatever, to pay them for hosting the sharing of what is considered “copyright material.”

The laws that are now in place, with fair use colliding directly with this. Even the article writers themselves say, it’s very unlikely to produce a windfall of revenue for publishers. So it seems a consolidation effort more than anything, masked in disguised as, “copyright protection.” That’s my opinion you can agree or disagree.

Going fast forward to September, the E.U finally approved this copyright directive link tax and upload filter. They snuck another thing in there, then again, they’re unelected officials so what do you expect from dictators in the E.U allowing them to demand payment licenses. This is from Google links, YouTube, and Facebook where unlicensed copyrighted material being shared to peer are to be stopped. So, if you have those obscure stories of CNN faking the weather with Anderson Cooper or with the reporter in fake hurricane winds and the two people casually walking behind him, you’re not allowed to share that anymore. They’re going to try to stop you from sharing this.

Article 13 is a little bit different, the legislation requires platforms to proactively work with rightsholders, that would be the corporate media, to stop the uploading of users, like you and I, links of copyrighted content. Is that newspaper article fair use, or is that a copyrighted content? We see now that the corporate media is pushing everything into copyrighted content, even though fair use says a news story can be quoted. Squeezed into the middle paragraph says, this would create an incredible burden for small platforms. Think about Real.Video (Brighteon), BitChute,, minds and these others that are coming up as replacements for Facebook, twitter and YouTube. They’re going to be required by law to have filters inside their platforms to look for copyrighted material. That in itself is going to take a massive, massive AI program. It’s more about consolidation of power into just few hands, that can approve news or that can approve narrative from people who want you to think a certain direction.

They’re playing right into with all the, “Ooh, the biggest tech companies in the world are losing their grip on the internet, so they’re the ones saying don’t pass these directives.” They’re trying to use our own feelings of YouTube and Facebook having too much power to try to pass these laws to say, “look we can help loosen the grip on the internet from all these massive giants.” Yet all they’re going to do is to loosen the grip from those massive giants into just one single behemoth. Which is even scarier! This is a bit of the history of truth being formed in front of your eyes.

They’ve perfected it in China, with the social credit score. You’ve seen what they’ve done with social media accounts that report outside the approved news from the Communist Party in China. Even something like, reporting on the floods that took down buildings in Sichuan due to poor building codes, even just reporting on the weather is deemed illegal. Those who have reported floods were arrested and had their social media accounts closed because these was not approved to report on. This is where we go with these weather changes, CO2, Grand Solar Minimum, climate, economics, futures prices, grain yields, and everything in between.

The final votes are going to come in on January 2019. They say, it’s “unlikely to be rejected”. The only gray area that offers any hope is that EU member-states get to implement it the way they want it to be. We’ve seen breaks in the cohesion of the EU along with immigration policy, specifically Hungary and Italy. Hopefully national leaders will do the exact same thing on these draconian Ministry of Truth laws that have been passed. I’ll say it again, EU are un-elected officials, they’re oligarchs, they’re Ministry of Truth and they have no interest in your well-being or in listening to what you have to say.

We’ve seen censorship through the centuries. Let’s go back to the Ottoman Empire, when the Gutenberg printing press was first unveiled. They forbade that! They said “No way you’re going to disseminate information inside the Ottoman Empire.” They also forbade any new technologies related to this printing. Well, that set them back at least a century in technological development and they’re no longer a world leader of much.

The whole plan is to stop the spread of information on why these current events are happening, and show the falsehoods in the media. Like, what we just experienced with hurricane Florence and all the fake news that was going on; how Charlie with its incredibly violent and ferocious winds were during the storm, but there was nothing, it was said it was a tropical storm. They tried to have to push the narrative, that it was just an all-time storm, because they made everybody evacuate. They were busted red-handed, how many times already? Five times at least, with the fake footage of the wind and the water by corporate media.

I’m talking about something as simple as going back 14,000 years (yellow arrow is where we are) you can see the temperature ranges were far warmer than they are today, specifically in the medieval optimum.

We’re forecasted to warm again a thousand years from now but as we look forward, cooling is on the books. For me talking about this report, does it fall under the “copyrighted material”? Does it fall under the “can’t pass the link”? They’re really terrified of how we are spreading information between peer to peer, also of how we are finding the lies and of how we are unveiling their lies. We are giving alternatives to stories on corporate news channels. They’re trying to push the CO2 and they’re absolutely desperate to control it, because of Arctic ice gains, Greenland ice gains and the cooling temperatures planet-wide.

They really don’t want their CO2 darling to be relegated to the dustbin of history, although, I do believe this winter will be the one that will wake most people up. Speaking of that, Woods Hole: Greenland ice melt linked to the natural AMO cycle, that’s the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) that drives water under the Arctic ice cap. It’s cooling, expect thicker ice.

Cooler water, not melting from beneath in this Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute article. Where does that fall? Climate4you. These are publicly available graphs, so you’ll still be able to find this information under the new EU directive. Notice where the warming and the cooling are based, and what the Atlantic Ocean temperatures were. As the Atlantic is starting to cool, you can imagine that Europe’s going to get cooler too.

Anthony Watts over here, Watts up with That, quoted from a report released showing, how information spreads if you allow people to interact with each other. You’re able to change their opinions and social learnings and to eliminate polarization.

But Anthony totally disagrees. It says, obviously they’d never engaged with Michael Mann or Gavin Schmidt.

That’s fine, if you’re talking about CO2 narrative, but the minute you talk about natural cycles and Grand Solar Minimums, those are the rapids and the rocks that need to be dynamited out of the way. I mean where’s this line drawn? Where we can’t have public discourse and discussion about our weather changing and the reasons for it is our entrance into the Grand Solar Minimum, when solar activity decreases. Nope, CO2 only or be silent !

Then suddenly they have to cut your social account because you’re talking about something that is in the link tax. If there’s anything controversial, it’s just going to be banned off of all platforms. They say we don’t want to deal with it, and we don’t have the AI to run the algorithm to look for all this copyrighted material. So if you’ve been proven, even once to have controversial material, they’re just going to ban your account. It’s a blanket thing. Unless you got cat videos, you’re not going to be able to put anything on the net. It’s going to bring us back to kindergarten education, and it’s going to be a kindergarten channel out there. Fluffy kitties all over the place.

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Also, in the writings, fear tagged onto a few of these other articles they teach you, show you. because of all the fake news, only the Accredited Times can give you rules for a journalist to try to debunk and slam and discredit other journalists who have alternative opinions. I’m going to give you the journalists discrediting journalist 101:

Number 1, double quotes are an extremely effective tool for mocking and dismissing facts.

Number 2, simply shame them as morally reprehensible, because you don’t believe in CO2 and you’re climate denier. No, actually I believe that climate is changing so much, yet I have a different explanation for it. Sun cycles! Not CO2.

Number 3, your line of thinking creates division instead of unity. Share science that I want you to get ready for, all the changes coming, so don’t come at it from fear, you come at it from knowledge.

Number 4, make their concerns seem insignificant, it’s a rare and isolated incident. Yeah, all the August snows in 50-plus places! That was just rare and isolated, although forecast is in the Grand Solar Minimum intensification not CO2 Global Warming. Remember what Al Gore told you “Snow would be a thing of the past and your children will never know what snow was”.

Rule number 5, that is so ridiculous that I’m not even going to entertain it with a response. Well, you just shut down discourse. So when the pendulum swings back and says “Well, why are you saying all these things?” I would refer you back to rule number 5, and say, well you won’t debate it. End of story.

Let’s take a look 20,000 years back into the same petroglyphs cave art that has been found across multiple continents. These same symbols have been repeating and repeating and repeating wherever they go. Even back then, 20,000 years ago, they were able to share information.

Nice map here detailing exactly the same iconography that is across continents where we were supposedly disconnected, unconnected and living in caves. Because when you look back in history, it’s our psychic nature to share information, to keep us safe.

Thanks for reading, hope you got something out of the article. Because what you’re seeing right now is the beginning of the total closure and censorship of information for you to share. Why these changes are taking place? There will be no second opinion allowed in the Court of the Ministry of Truth.

Also check out the Mini Ice Age Conversation podcast, 30 minutes on the go and a more in-depth analysis on these same issues.

*** Today’s Story Links ***

Why are these 32 symbols found in caves all over Europe | Genevieve von Petzinger

Popular Tech 1974

Rules For Accredited Journalists

Clueless study: Can social media networks reduce political polarization on climate change?

Solar Output Models

Woods Hole: Greenland Ice Melt linked to the natural AMO cycle

Breaking Down the New EU Copyright Bill: Article 11

EU approves controversial Copyright Directive, including internet ‘link tax’ and ‘upload filter’

China Bans Internet News Reporting as Media Crackdown Widens

ADAPT 2030 Mini Ice Age 2015–2035 Series on YouTube

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