Grahams Number - Bigger than anyone could imagine

You may have heard something about Grahams number (G64). If not, I will explain it to you.
First of all you do not have to be Einstein to understand how to calculate Grahams number. You just need to like some maths.


In order to calculate G64 you need to understand the up-arrow notation:

The first arrow ist pretty easy to understand but wait until another comes.

So, it is a little bit harder but for us intelligent people on Steem it is nothing.

The result is a 3.6 trillion digit number. You have to admit it gets harder with every single arrow.

Now, we are at G1. But compared to G64 it is nothing.

It looks easier but it isn´t. The arrows you need for G2 are G1 single arrows...
G3 is the same but now, with G2 single arrows.
I think yout got it. Now you have to do this until you reach G64.

To be honest, it isn´t possible for us human to igamine how big this number really is. Our head would collapse and would transform to a black hole! (Is often said by people with mathematican humor.)

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