Trogdor, Ph.D. - Finally defended my dissertation... now back to Steemit!

After 21 years of school, I'm finally done!

Wow, I can't believe I haven't made a blog post in over 8 months... Let's just say I've been preoccupied with my dissertation for the last few months. For some administrative reasons, I had to write an additional ~65 pages of my dissertation in 3 days in order to meet the graduation deadline, so that I wouldn't have to postpone my graduation, which was... stressful. I pulled 2 all-nighters out of those 3 days, but I managed to get everything done in time. Then I spent my birthday racing to get ready for my final public defense, which I'm happy to say was a complete success! I'm now officially Dr. Trogdor, with a Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University.

How it feels walking out of school after 21 years!

If you happen to care about my research, my work is in the areas of applied math, scientific computing, and fluid dynamics. During my Ph.D. I basically studied different transport processes with applications to areas such as energy and the environment, as well as biology. Maybe if people are interested, I will go more in depth into my research in the future.

Getting (re)acquainted with Steemit

The research and educational opportunities I've had at Princeton have been amazing, but unfortunately I haven't been able to be an active part of the Steemit community lately. Now that I've finished up my program and am moving on to a full time research career, I'm going to do my best to get (re)acquainted with the community and all the different changes that have happened over the last few months. I'm glad to see that good content seems to be making its way to the top, and that niche areas are thriving (I love @gringalicious's food blog!).

Anyway, I think I'll start blogging about a whole bunch of different topics, whatever happens to strike my fancy. I'm one of those kinds of people with a million hobbies and interests: playing the violin, rubik's cubing, everything math, science and crypto, origami, weightlifting, marathon running, etc...

Finally done with school.... I'm so glad to be back, and looking forward to the future of Steemit!

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