Interview with a 28-year-old undergrad student


Today's podcast episode was really a treat to record. It's hard to use the word interview, because Danny really does all the talking. At 28 years old, Danny is honestly pretty old for a college Junior. But his story from high school graduation to an electrical engineering major at OSU is really something we all can learn from. He has a delightful southern voice and a smiling sense of humor, and I really had a wonderful time listening to him talk. The episode is linked below.

For this episode, I won't provide timestamps, because he really just walks through his life chronologically from 2012 to now. But I will write a brief summary of some of my takeaways from the conversation. Give this summary a quick read, and hopefully it encourages you to listen to the episode and be inspired in your own way.

For many people born in America, life often has plans built into it. Not necessarily plans that we make, or even that our parents make for us. Some things are just supposed to happen. Case in point: Graduate high school, go to a 4-year college, find a spouse, get a job. This is the script that many of us feel pressured to follow, and we fear ostracization if we experience any deviation. But we have to understand that this path is as arbitrary as any. It isn't even the path our great-grandparents followed; it likely won't be the path our grandkids follow. Danny chose to get his Associate's Degree rather than go to a 4-year university, and then he went to work. He worked all over the state, from oil fields to wind farms, and at one time he was making $70,000 a year. Danny's point is this: take your time.
This was a great reminder for me, and I think it's something we all need to hear from time to time. He took his time getting to where he is today, and it allowed him to see more of the world. He was able to grow in his own unique way. We shouldn't feel pressured by the plans that have been made for us. As someone who has fully embraced those plans I know I did it because I wanted to. I'm blessed to be "on track," but I wouldn't stress myself out if I wasn't.
Hopefully, for those of you that listen to the episode, you will be won over by Danny's story. He still worked hard and pushed for bigger and better things, but he did so on his own terms. He continues to better himself now by seeking higher education, and he pays for it all out of his own pocket. He told me that the extra time allowed him to mature in a unique way, and he appreciates the college experience more than he believes he would have. So make your own plan, and take your time.
You always have time to grow. Don't be weighed down by arbitrary standards. Better yourself, work hard, improve your life, improve the lives of those around you, and don't worry about anything else. Read books, seek feedback, and learn things about people. And of course, listen to podcasts :)

Thank you for reading this post, and I hope it encourages you to listen to the episode. Have a wonderful day and I'll see you with the next episode!

YouTube link to episode 7:

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