Week 12 Response - Addressing Extreme Poverty

This post is in response to the question put forth by @moneybagley, "Do you think the world is past the point of people living in extreme poverty?".

People have dealt with poverty all throughout the world’s timeline. There are many people in the world today who believe that there’s no one suffering from poverty in today’s world. However, those people couldn’t be more wrong. According to the World Bank, there are currently 689 million people dealing with extreme poverty. That is around 9.2 percent of the world’s population. These people live on less than a dollar and 90 cents a day.

First off, the American media and the wealthy control the world and the perception of reality. The American media is so intensely focused on material things and products always advancing. The wealthy citizens of the world see these products advancing and they just assume that everyone is able to afford these products.

Next, the poor are also often subconsciously rejected from everyone. The media plays a huge role in this. All of the bad or unsettling stories will have to do with someone who is poor. The rich are mentioned in the happy or success stories. These poverty stricken citizens aren’t seen as successful people in our society. Their little amount of money shows everyone that they either made bad decisions in life or they are an unsuccessful person. We will then write these people off and not focus on them as much as a wealthy person. Their needs are seen as unnecessary. That way of thinking is awful. Everyone deserves a chance to show they belong. They deserve a chance to be accepted. The media needs to have less power than they do.

In conclusion, there are millions of poverty laden people throughout the entire world. These people aren’t put in a huge spotlight so they are most of the time forgotten. However, we shouldn’t forget about them. They exist and they need help. They are people too.

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