Week 12 Reflection - Addressing Extreme Poverty

This video displayed to me the underlying problem of why poverty has never gone away. There are thousands of distinguished organizations promoting getting rid of poverty. However, most of these organizations have a secret motive of why they are wanting poverty to disappear. If their cause isn’t benefiting them in some way they won’t do it. During this essay, I will give you my opinion on how the idea of getting rid of poverty is currently perceived and how we should actually look at and pursue this issue.

First off, the rich and successful are always the ones giving to this cause. Although, they aren’t always doing it for the right reasons. They might be doing it because they want people to see them as a better person. Additionally, they could be doing this because they’ll earn more money from it. The majority of time there is a secret motive. Most of the people of the world see poverty as a problem of the past. With thousands of groups working on this issue over the years, people just think it has been solved. That couldn’t be more false. Poverty is still happening and it’s worse than ever.

Secondly, people are approaching this problem the wrong way. Poverty is caused by multiple underlying issues. Education is a huge piece to the puzzle. If people are educated they are extremely more likely to be successful. The people in these poverty-stricken places oftentimes don’t have the chance to get an education. Another underlying problem of poverty is poor healthcare. Countries dealing with poverty usually don’t have adequate healthcare. If they have a terrible accident they’re probably going to die. The person who died could be the main provider of the family. Another problem that a lot of these countries are dealing with is terrible childcare. The children are left on their own with their parents consistently working to put food on the table. As a result, they don’t tend to put themselves in the best of situations. These children also might not have great nutrition. This could affect them for the rest of their lives.

Poverty is real. Poverty needs to be dealt with. Everyone needs to realize that poverty isn’t the real problem. Poverty is an accumulation of problems. This generation needs to be the one to realize that. We shouldn’t be like our ancestors. We shouldn’t just care about our success or wealth.

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