(ES/EN) Les Pipirisnais & Rising Star

Hola a todos, somos Les Pipirisnais, Dirolls y Diane, los chiclos, la nice people... 😂 en diciembre 2021 conocimos el mundo los juegos NFTs, criptos, etc... después de varias decepciones en marzo del 2022 conocimos Rising Star, al principio no sabíamos bien de qué iba, pero fuimos leyendo, conociendo streamers en twitch y aprendimos muchos detalles que nos encantaron del juego, nos dieron confianza y en pocos días comenzamos a invertir porque pensamos que era lo mejor para nosotros.

Luego de conocer el potencial de Rising Star, y quedarnos un poco a la deriva con nuestro canal Les Pipirisnais en twitch, tuvimos una gran idea, streamear en twitch Rising Star y otros juegos NFT, y hasta ahora no pudimos tener una mejor idea.

Nunca, pero nunca pensamos que entrar en la familia de Rising Star iba a ser tan emocionante, hemos encontrado gente super cool, buena como nadie, que sin pedir nada a cambio han estado allí desde los primeros momentos para ayudarnos a despegar.

Gracias a todos los que invierten energía y cariño en nosotros, Dirolls y yo cada día trabajamos para devolver ese cariño al 100% a cada uno de vosotros, desde nuestros subs, followers, streamer gente que se nos ha cruzado en el camino, y todos ya forman parte, no solo de esta familia, Les Pipirisnais, sino de nuestros corazones.

Estamos en Twitch de jueves a domingo, el horario varía, más o menos es entre 17 y 20 CET, depende de los días, pero los domingos sobre las 17-18 para hacer raid a Jux y su Radio Evolve. Si nos sigues, un mensaje solo para gente nice te avisará que estamos On Live ;)

Un abrazo a todos

Les Pipirisnais
discord https://discord.gg/u9BFZKMt

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Hello everyone, we are Les Pipirisnais, Dirolls and Diane, the chiclos, the nice people... 😂 in December 2021 we met the world of NFTs games, cryptos, etc ... after several disappointments in March 2022 we met Rising Star, at first we did not know what it was about, but we read, met streamers on twitch and we knew many details that made us love the game, they gave us confidence and in a few days we started investing because we thought it was the best option for us.

After learning about the potential of Rising Star, and being a bit lost with our Les Pipirisnais channel on twitch, we had a great idea, to stream on twitch Rising Star and other NFT games, and we couldn't have a better idea.

Never, but never thought that entering the Rising Star family was going to be so exciting, we have found super cool people, who without asking for anything in return have been there from the first moments to help us get off the ground,

Thanks to all who invest energy and love on us, Dirolls and I work hard everyday to return that love 100% to each one of you, our subs, followers, streamers, and people we have crossed in the way, all of you have become part of this family, Les Pipirisnais, but not only that, you are now in our hearts.

We are in Twitch from Thursday to Sunday, the time varies, it depends on the day, but between 17 y 20 CET, on Sundays for sure between 17-18 to make the raid to Jux to his Radio Evolve. If you follow us in twitch, you will receive a message that only the nice people receive and you will know that are on live ;)

A hug to all
Les Pipirisnais

discord https://discord.gg/u9BFZKMt

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