Checks and Balances

I think that some of our checks and balances are becoming blurred. With all the executive powers, I feel like America has deviated from the constitutional processes and bypass many of the restraints put in place by founding fathers.

Are we due for a revolution? Is one already taking place? A signlent civil war against globalist and sovereign powers?

Do we have a voice or does the matrix have us under surveillance and placing you on a far right or far left list to be feed biased? Does your rule of law supperced your intilectual god give rights to property, happiness, and liberty?


"If the LEGISLATIVE and JUDICIAL powers are united, the MAKER of the law will also INTERPRET it (constitutionality).
Should the EXECUTIVE and LEGISLATIVE powers be united... the EXECUTIVE power would make itself absolute, and the government end in tyranny.
Should the EXECUTIVE and JUDICIAL powers be united, the subject (citizen) would then have no permanent security of his person or property."

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