Differentiating Leader Work with Manager


To promote education institutions, leaders who have initiative and willing to follow up the initiative with all the consequences and benefits that may be obtained in the future.

Today, the leaders and administrators of Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama Education Center took the initiative to pick up the ball at the Australian Embassy. Of course they realize that not necessarily managed to bring home the 'ball' is expected but at least there is an effort that they try.

Such practices are needed from people at the leadership level of educational institutions. Good at reading opportunities, having initiative and taking risks. Not just sitting sweet, waiting for reports and scolding subordinates when not right.


Well, although the entourage of Ma'arif was led by one of the leaders, but to follow up the ideas that have been discussed in the forum, needed reliable and skilled people to build intensive communication, draft the concept of cooperation, seek input, communicate the draft with related parties and its kind. Well these tasks are the realm of managers. The job of the leader is to make sure the process runs on the track and is measurable, rather than working on itself from A to Z.

Of course there are many other aspects but quite simply how to differentiate a leader and manager in education. Probably not much different in other parts.

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