9/11: When Seeing Is Not Believing

As I write this, on the morning of the 16-year anniversary of 9/11, I can still feel the same shock I experienced on the day I gullibly watched the twin towers disappear into dust in under ten seconds each, leaving no pair of heaping piles of rubble as one would expect to find from 110-story structures that merely "collapsed." This is where people fail to think for themselves, as I did that morning, as I sat with my mouth hanging open believing every single lie the complicit mainstream media was telling us. Thinking for yourself  begets the realization that when something falls down, it is still there, just rearranged. The twin towers left no heaping piles of  110-story twin towers, and so we should be asking ourselves:

a)   where exactly did 90,000 tons of concrete and metal decking disappear to?

b)  where exactly did 6 million square feet of masonry disappear to?

c)  where exactly did 5 million square feet of painted surfaces disappear to?

d)  where exactly did 7 million square feet of flooring disappear to?

e)  where exactly did 600,000 square feet of window glass disappear to?

f)  where exactly did 200 elevators disappear to?

g)  where exactly did nearly 200,000 tons of steel disappear to?

h)  where exactly did EVERYTHING inside the buildings disappear to?  

i)  and NOT even close to being lastly, why were several tons of molten metal found under the buildings?

In all, WTC 1 & 2 totaled about 1 millions tons of material, reduced mostly to an asbestos ash that blanketed the city of New York and is killing people to this day.

From "The Core Structures," found at 911research.wtc7.net:

"The Structural System of the Twin Towers

Each tower was supported by a structural core extending from its bedrock foundation to its roof. The cores were rectangular pillars with numerous large columns and girders, measuring 87 feet by 133 feet. The core structures housed the elevators, stairs, and other services. The cores had their own flooring systems, which were structurally independent of the floor diaphragms that spanned the space between the cores and the perimeter walls. The core structures, like the perimeter wall structures, were 100 percent steel-framed.The exact dimensions, arrangement, and number of the core columns remained somewhat mysterious until the publication of a leaked collection of detailed architectural drawings of the North Tower in 2007. Although the drawings show the dimensions and arrangement of core columns, they do not show other engineering details such as the core floor framing. It is clear from photographs, such as the one [below], that the core columns were abundantly cross-braced."

And lest we forget the smoking gun of 9/11: WTC 7, the 47-story steel-framed building that collapsed at free-fall acceleration at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11. A building that had small fires on a lower level. A building in which many heard explosives. A building in which Barry Jennings (who later mysteriously died) experienced explosions and stepped over dead bodies when he was finally rescued. A building BBC and CNN reported as having collapsed BEFORE it collapsed. A building that marks a historical and exclusive first for completely collapsing in 7 seconds straight into it's own footprint from mere fire.

This has never happened in all of history before or since 9/11, not even to buildings ENGULFED in flames.  

Perhaps all the weapons-grade U.S. military thermite found in the dust had something to do with it. Yeah, you better believe it.

Speaking of disappearing things, where did Flight 93 disappear to? We are told Flight 93, another 757 jumbo jet, crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, but all I see (below) is a hole in the ground, and this was taken shortly after impact.  The government would have you believe that Flight 93 just buried itself in the ground, wingspan and all! And Popular Mechanics explains to us good little sheep that these planes turned into something resembling "liquid" upon impact, which is true if you are a cartoon and you ride a unicorn to work and can make the sky rain candy with your magic wand.   

The government officially tells us that 9-mph winds carried debris over a mile away. Believe that, and I have a solid gold bridge to sell you. But it had to have happened, right? I mean, Hollywood made that movie about the brave victims of Flight 93 that heroically overwhelmed the hijackers and their invincible box cutters and crashed it into the ground in Shanksville to save the lives of its intended target. Right.

Only since 9/11 is SEEING NOT BELIEVING, but if we go to the Pentagon on 9/11, NOT seeing is believing, because 86 cameras were incapable of catching the 757 jumbo jet that did an amazing corkscrew turn and crashed into the Pentagon. The wings folded back and the entire plane just slipped into the concrete and steel building going 500 MPH at an altitude that would have broken that plane apart. And this magic plane miraculously didn't even scar the pristine lawn that it's belly would have gouged, considering the low position of the hole in the building where construction had been ongoing and which, by the way, were the offices working to recover the $2.3 TRILLION that the Pentagon couldn't account for, as was announced by Donald Rumsfeld on 9/10/2001.  $2.3 TRILLION! 

The picture above was taken within minutes after the impact of the "plane," before the roof collapsed. Enlarge this photo, and believe what you see. No plane. No plane parts. Pristine lawn. There would have been jet fuel fires raging in this building for weeks, as explained by experts, and yet April Gallup, who was working inside the Pentagon on 9/11, had to exit through the debris, and she saw NOTHING that would reveal a plane had hit the Pentagon.

I could tell you so much about the Pentagon that flies in the face of the official story. I could tell you about Lloyd England whose taxi cab was allegedly struck by a light pole knocked down by the "plane," who said (when he didn't know he was on camera) that "It was planned." I could tell you about the FBI men who immediately went around confiscating video tape from surrounding businesses whose cameras would have captured Flight 77's approach and ultimate impact with the Pentagon. I could go on and on and on about the complete lack of evidence that contradicts the official fairy tale, but all you have to do is watch the video the government released 5 years later. The video that is edited and that reveals NO PLANE hitting the Pentagon, but which does reveal the nose of the MISSILE entering the frame on the right just above the ground, and in the next frame its smoky-white exhaust plume leading us into the fireball that the MISSILE created as it barreled through three buildings and punched out a perfectly circular exit hole. 

Just as a missile would do. The missile you can SEE. The "missile," said 9/11 Commissioner Tim Roemer, slipping up as he spoke about the Pentagon attack. (Making mistakes is the only way the true terrorists reveal truth.)

No bodies, no luggage, no wings, no raging fires, no nothing, except a whole lot of suspicious close-ups of clean plane parts revealed to us later.

When are you going to believe what you see?

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