He is our Advocate

Who's Jesus Christ?


My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: 1 John2:1
The senior advocate of heaven is Jesus Christ and He's advocating over our lives, HALLELUJAH! An advocate is a personality that speaks in support of another in the court of law. This is why, anyone that is in Christ cannot be under the law anymore, because Christ has taken care of the law. He intercede for us daily. As far as the east is from the west, so has He taken away our sins,nailing it to His cross. Are you wallowing in guilt because of your past life? Come to the impartial senior advocate today and He'll plead your course before the throne of grace. His name is Jesus Christ the righteous.
He's righteous and blameless enough to address any sin,irrespective of it's enormity. He's prevailed over every act of iniquity that can ever be possibly committed. His blood is sufficient to pay for the darkest sin. All you need is to come to Him. Come to Jesus today. Ever since I came to Him I have never been put to shame. Jesus will not only intercede for us, He also wipe out shame, guilt, afflictions or failures from past mistakes. All we need is Jesus.
Let's pray together. Abba Father, thank you for giving us Christ our Advocate. Please touch every heart filled with sin,guilt and shame today and deliver them from bondages, in Jesus name. Amen. Jesus has prevailed.natures-finest_19-101507.jpg

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