Flo, The Googly Drainpipe

Meet Flo, the friendly drainpipe.

We met her whilst feeding the geese - well attempting to, my little lady turns into a bread monster and stuffs most of it in her mouth. There’s a beautiful old building, which is now a library - I wouldn’t dare let me little whirlwind loose in a quiet library, so we went and sat on a little bench instead, just around the corner. This is where we spotted a friendly little face looking at us, I rummaged in my pocket, and my daughter knew what time it was... googly time.


I put one of the googly eyes on, and the little menace did the other, and then excitedly shouted “frog!” - she’s right, Flo does have a friendly frog face.


Flo sits on a rather ugly building compared to its stunning library neighbour which looks over a stunning pond, but she’s got heaps of character, especially now.


The googly boss at work


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